10INstAllING BUrNErs AND trIVEtsInstalling burners• The burner crown must be fitted correctly into theburner cup or damage will occur during operation• To do this, ensure that the 2 ribs on either side of thespark plug hole are positioned into the 2 slots onthe burner cup• The burner cap is simply positioned over the top ofthe burner crownNOTE: When the burner is correctly fitted it will sit levelon the hob.Burner capBurner cupBurner crownflamesafeguard sensorIgnitionspark plugInjectorInstalling trivets• The rubber feet on the trivets locate into thecontours of the hob• Take care when placing the trivets as dropping themmay damage the hob or trivet• The wok trivet sits on top of the trivet above the wokburnerwok trivet trivetsBurner capBurner crownwok burner