13Printer off-lineEscape to abortrelease 16:31 SUN 20 NOVFULL SET USR 9816:31 SUN 20 NOVKOO L6 A1-------#esc*Print0 = OMIT ZONES[ent] to Select55 = PRINT[ent] to SelectPIN + ententPRINTING CODESESC to abort1=CODES 2=ZONES3=LOG 4=ALL1PRINTING ZONESESC to abortPRINTING LOGESC to abort3PRINTING ALLESC to abort42Additional InformationThe # key can be used to reveal additional information on some typesof events. This information is displayed on the bottom line. Theinformation includes details such as zone descriptors, user levels andwhich keypad was used.PrintingIf a serial printer is connected to the system, a system history can beprinted by pressing the * key. The system will print from the event ondisplay until the most recent event.Print (User Level 4 and Above)PurposeThe Print option gives the user the opportunity to get a hard copyprint-out of the system details. This option requires a serial printer to beconnected to the system.Selecting PrintEnter the QUICK MENU. Press key 5 followed by the ent key. Thesystem print options are displayed. Pressing the esc key aborts thePRINT option.CodesPress key 1 to start the print-out of all the codes, giving the usernumber, name, level and length of code.ZonesSelect the Zones option to print-out the details of each zone in thesystem. The zone address, function, and descriptor is printed. Presskey 2 to select this option.LogThe entire LOG can be printed out by selecting key 3. The print-outconsists of up to 1000 events depending on panel type, and detailsthe time and date of setting, unsetting and alarms.AllAll the options (CODES , ZONES, and LOG) can be printed out byselecting the ALL option. Pressing key 4 delivers a print-out startingwith user codes.Help MessageIf a print-out is started without a printer being connected and on-line,the display indicates that the printer is off-line.