– 34 –VISTA-40 EVENT LOGGING PROCEDURESGeneral InformationThe system has the ability to record various events in ahistory log wherein each event is recorded in one of fivecategories (listed below), with the time and date of itsoccurrence. The Event Log holds up to 100 events, withthe oldest event being replaced by the logging of anynew event after the log is full. Using an alpha keypad, theEvent Log can be viewed one category at a time, or candisplay all events, regardless of category (ALL EVENTLOG). The system also allows selection of displaying theCOMPLETE log, or only those events occurring sincethe last installer service (RECENT). In addition, events inthe other partition can be viewed by users authorized toaccess that partition. Note that events are displayed inchronological order, from most recent to oldest.To Display The Event Log1. Enter CODE + [#] + [6] + [0]2. Select the display mode.RECENT: Displays only those events occurringsince last installer service.COMPLETE: Displays complete event log (up to 100events).Press the desired key, 0 or 1.E N T E R 0 = R E C E N T1 = C O M P L E T E3. Select the partition, 0-2.Enter the partition number for the partition whoseevents are to be displayed.Entering 0 (NO) will display all partitions' events.S C A N L O G B Y P A R T0 = N O 1 – 2 = P A R T #