– 24 –Chime ModeUsing the Chime ModeCHIME mode alerts you to the opening of a perimeter door or window while thesystem is disarmed.When Chime mode is activated:• Three tones sound at the keypad whenever a perimeter door or window is opened.• Interior zones do not produce a tone when they are faulted.• Pressing the READY key will display the open protection points.• Chime mode can be used only while the system is disarmed.To turn Chime Mode on:+ 9CHIME(Security Code)The CHIME message will appear. Perimeter zoneswill cause a tone when faulted.Alpha Display:DISARMED CHIMEReady to ArmFixed-Word Display: CHIMETo turn Chime Mode off:+ 9CHIME(Security Code)The CHIME message will disappear.Alpha Display:✱✱✱✱DISARMED✱✱✱✱READY TO ARMFixed-Word Display: READYUsing the Voice ChimeVoice keypads have a feature that works in concert with the Chime Mode called VoiceChime. Voice chime provides a voice status annunciation, chime, and display whenany faulted entry/exit or perimeter zone exists. Ask your installer if this option hasbeen enabled for your system.You may set the voice annunciation portion of Voice Chime on or off by pressing the[#] [0] [2] [4] keys (if the normal Chime mode as described above has been turned on).This also toggles the Voice System Status on or off. When off, the keypad’s internalsounder will still provide chime if normal Chime mode is on.