– 71 –Summary Of Audible Notification(Alpha Display Keypads)SOUND CAUSE DISPLAYLOUD,INTERRUPTED*Keypad & ExternalFIRE ALARM FIRE is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm isdisplayed.LOUD,CONTINUOUS*Keypad & ExternalBURGLARY/AUDIBLE EMERGENCYALARMALARM is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm isalso displayed.ONE SHORT BEEP(not repeated)Keypad onlya. SYSTEM DISARMb. SYSTEM ARMING ATTEMPTWITH AN OPEN ZONE.c. BYPASS VERIFYa. DISARMED/READY TO ARM is displayed.b. The number and descriptor of the open protectionzone is displayed.c. Numbers and descriptors of the bypassedprotection zones are displayed (One beep is heardfor each zone displayed). Subsequently, thefollowing is displayed: DISARMED BYPASSReady to ArmONE SHORT BEEP(once every 15sec.) Keypad onlySYSTEM IS IN TEST MODE Opened Zone identifications will appear.ONE BEEP(every 60 sec.)Keypad onlyLOW BATTERY AT A TRANSMITTER LO BAT displayed with description of transmitter.TWO SHORTBEEPSKeypad onlyARM AWAY OR MAXIMUM ARMED AWAY or ARMED MAXIMUM is displayed.Red ARMED indicator is lit.THREE SHORTBEEPSKeypad onlya. ARM STAY OR INSTANTb. ZONE OPENED WHILE SYSTEMIS IN CHIME MODE.c. ENTRY WARNING**a. ARMED STAY ZONE BYPASSED or ARMEDINSTANT ZONE BYPASSED is displayed. RedARMED indicator is lit.b. CHIME displayed, descriptor of open protectionzone will be displayed if the [Q] key is pressed.c. DISARM SYSTEM OR ALARM WILL OCCUR isdisplayed.RAPID BEEPINGKeypad onlya. TROUBLEb. AC POWER LOSS ALERT***c. MEMORY OF ALARMa. CHECK displayed. Descriptor of troubledprotection zone is displayed.b. AC LOSS displayed (may alternate with otherdisplays that may be present).c. FIRE or ALARM is displayed; descriptor of zone inalarm is displayed.SLOW BEEPINGKeypad onlya. ENTRY DELAY WARNING**b. EXIT DELAY WARNING(if programmed)a. DISARM SYSTEM OR ALARM WILL OCCUR isdisplayed. Exceeding the delay time withoutdisarming causes alarm.b. ARMED AWAY or ARMED MAXIMUM isdisplayed along with You May Exit Now* If bell is used as external sounder, fire alarm is pulsed ring; burglary/audible emergency is steady ring.** Entry warning may consist of three short beeps or slow continuous beeping, as programmed by yourinstaller.*** Loss of system battery power is not indicated or annunciated by the keypad (warnings are for loss ofAC power only).