VISTA-100 Installation Instructions28-2SYSTEM COMMANDSFUNCTION ACTIONDisplay FaultedZonesBefore arming, the system must be in the READY condition (all zones mustbe intact). If the "NOT READY" message appears, press the READY key todisplay faulted zones.Arming Away Enter code + 2 (AWAY).Arming Stay Enter code + 3 (STAY) (all zones designated as zone types 4 and 10 will beautomatically bypassed).Arming Instant Enter code + 7 (INSTANT) (same as STAY without entry delay).Arming Maximum Enter code + 4 (MAXIMUM) (same as AWAY without entry delay).Disarming Enter code + 1 (OFF).Bypassing Zones Enter code + 6 (BYPASS) + 3-digit zone number. To automatically bypassall faulted zones, use the "Quick Bypass" method: Enter code + BYPASS +[#].Fire and System zones can be bypassed only by those users enabledin field 3*85.Chime Mode Enter code + 9 (CHIME). To turn Chime mode off, enter code + CHIMEagain.Quick Arming Note that if QUICK ARM is enabled (field *29), you can press [#] instead ofentering the security code for any of the arming procedures (Away, Stay,Instant, Maximum, etc.).You must program User 002 into the system in order for the Quick Arm feature to work.SUMMARY OF ARMING MODESFeatures for Each Arming ModeMode Exit Delay Entry Delay Perimeter Armed Interior ArmedAWAY Yes Yes Yes YesSTAY Yes Yes Yes NoINSTANT Yes No Yes NoMAXIMUM Yes No Yes YesGlobal ArmingIf Global Arming is enabled for the user, the keypad will display the following prompt:ARM ALL?0 = NO , 1 = YESIf you enter 0 (NO), the keypad prompts for arming eachpartition individually. If you enter 1 (YES), the systemattempts to arm all partitions to which this user has access. Ifthere are any faults (open doors, windows, etc.), the keypadwill display them. See notes below.These faults must be corrected or the zone bypassed beforearming will occur. When faults are corrected, repeat thearming procedure.NOTES:• When you are using the Global Arm feature, if there are faults in any of the partitionsyou selected, the system will enter a summary mode in which the faulted zones of all ofthe selected partitions are displayed. These faults must be corrected or bypassed (enter[Code] + BYPASS + [#] to attempt to bypass the faults in all of the selected partitions).This summary mode will end in approximately 120 seconds if you do not press any keys.