3 CATx LINK UP TO 300m SERIALY-CABLEPOWERRECEIVER200RRECEIVER200RVIDEOAUDIOPOWERPCRS232 SERIALTRANSMITTER204T/208TAdderLink AV204T and AV208T transmittersThe AdderLink AV204T transmitter provides four CATx outputs while the AV208Tprovides eight CATx output to directly drive AV200R/AV201R receiver moduleslocated at distances up to 300m (1000 feet).Note: An optional serial Y-cable is available (part number: VSC19), which allows aconnected receiver to provide a serial link to each display.AdderLink AV204T/AV208T transmitter drivingup to four/eight remote receivers, in additionto a local monitor and speaker setAdditional expansion is also possible by connecting further transmitter modules tothe original module in a cascade arrangement, each supporting their own multipleAV200R/AV201R receiver modules - See Expansion via cascade links for details.Support for DDC (Display Data Channel)The Display Data Channel standard allows video monitors to definetheir characteristics so that the source computers to which they areconnected can optimise their video outputs accordingly. By their nature,the AdderLink AV extenders enable multiple video displays to be attachedto a single source computer. This causes a complication for handling theDDC standard, however, in characteristic style we have devised an elegantsolution, as detailed below.Whenever an AdderLink AV transmitter is powered on, it checks its localvideo port for a working display monitor with DDC information. Thefollowing strictly ordered actions occur to automatically locate the mostsuitable DDC data:• If a display monitor is discovered on the local video port of thetransmitter, the DDC data are cloned from it and stored within thetransmitter.• If no display monitor is discovered on the local video port of thetransmitter, the DDC data held within the transmitter will remainunchanged.• If the DDC data or clock lines of the transmitter’s local video port arediscovered to be connected to ground, then a default set of DDC datawill be reloaded and used.After the initial search period, the stored DDC data are then presented tothe video port of the source computer. When transmitters are cascaded,only the primary transmitter (the one connected to the source computer)will perform the search for DDC data.AdderLink AV transmitters hold two pages of DDC data in order tosupport the most advanced display monitors. The DDC data are heldwithin non-volatile memory so that they are retained when power isremoved.The manner in which the transmitters search for suitable ‘DDC donors’could have an impact if your installation contains display units withdiffering capabilities. Generally, you should arrange for the displaymonitor with the most representative capabilities of your wholeinstallation to be the one that the transmitter locates on its local port,either initially (and temporarily) while commissioning or permanently.