ADC Telecommunications, Inc.512 C HAPTER 20: SUBSCRIBER M ANAGEMENTConfiguring CPE Control ParametersIn addition to providing added security through filtering, SubscriberManagement provides added security by limiting the number of IP addressesavailable to CPE devices, which minimizes the risk of malicious tamperingagainst your cable network.Subscriber Management allows a maximum of 16 IP addresses available toCPE devices. Once the limit that you configure is met, packets fromadditional IP addresses are dropped.The following table lists the parameters that you set to configure SubscriberManagement control of CPE devices:Table 20-4 Subscriber Management Control ParametersYou can set chassis-wide defaults for all of these parameters or you can setthese parameters on a modem-by-modem basis. Refer to “Modifying CPEControl Parameters Per Cable Modem” on page 515 for more informationon setting these parameters modem-by-modem.Parameter DescriptionActive Indicates whether Subscriber Management (filtering,enforcement of address limits, etc.) is to be used at the CPEcontrol level. By default, Subscriber Management is disabled.Max IP Number of simultaneous IP addresses you can attach to theCPE device. If this parameter is set to zero, the cable modemdrops all CPE traffic. The allowable range is 0 to 16.Learnable Specifies whether the CMTS learns all CPE IP addresses on thecurrent interface. By default, the CMTS learns all CPE IPaddresses on current interfaces.