www.acti.comHardware Manual31Access the CameraNow that the camera and the PC both have their unique IP addresses and are under the samenetwork segment, you can use Microsoft Internet Explorer on the PC to access the camera.NOTE: Only Microsoft Internet Explorer is supported by the camera at the time of writing thisdocumentation. Please refer to our website (www.acti.com) for future upgrades.Internet Explorer supports the following functionalities:Functionality Internet ExplorerLive Video YesLive Video Area Resizable YesPTZ Control YesCapture the snapshot YesVideo overlay based configuration(Motion Detection regions, Privacy Mask regions) YesAll the other configurations YesThe ActiveX control for video stream management will be downloaded from the cameradirectly – the user has to accept the use of such control when prompted so. No other thirdparty utilities are required to be installed in such case.Assuming that the camera’s IP address is, you can access it by opening theWeb browser and typing the following address into the Web browser’s address bar: