2 1 0 60 26M NAA | XSER IE S G 5 | 557.3.1 Connect the battery (dc power)Connect the 12-volt SLA battery using the battery cable.WARNINGā Bodily injury and property damage. Complete all wiring of peripheral orexternal devices to the controller before power is applied.Connect the battery before connecting the charger cable.Connect the battery:Connect the battery to the BATT terminals on the XFCG5 (J1 as shown below) or XRCG5(J16). Observe the polarity (+ and -).Figure 7-2: XFCG5 BATT connectorConfirm that the battery is supplying power to the XFCG5 or XRCG5 by observing the power-on sequence information scrolling on the LCD (see details in section 7.1 Super capacitorcharging at boot time).If LCD does not display the power-on sequence, try adjusting the contrast. Refer to section10.6, Adjust the LCD contrast.If the power-on sequence fails to initiate or complete, press the reset button (shownbelow).Figure 7-3: Reset button and coldboot button7.3.2 Connect the chargerTo connect the charger, select the procedure applicable to the type of charger used. It is assumed that thecharger has been wired to the terminal connector removed from the CHRG onboard terminal block.NOTICE ā Equipment damage: Always connect the battery to the BATT port beforeconnecting the solar panel or alternate charger cable to the XFCG5 or XRCG5. Connect the solar panel chargerReinsert the CHRG connector wired to the solar panel charger cable to the CHRG terminal on theXFCG5 (J5 shown below) or XRCG5 (J17).