2 1 0 60 26M NAA | XSER IE S G 5 | 119a. View the scrolling parameters on the LCD. Verify that the Lithium Backup parameterdisplays Yes. If it displays No, enable the Lithium backup.b. Verify that the LL battery alarm does not display on the LCD. Or, measure the lithiumbattery to verify that it registers more than 3.0 V. If the lithium battery is low, replacethe lithium battery first according to section 10.7.2 Replace the lithium battery.Open the enclosure door.Disconnect power source as described in section 10.5.1 Remove power from the electronicboard.Locate the DISPLAY connector (J2 on the XFCG5 and J13 on the XRCG5) on the top of theelectronic board. The LCD attaches to the connector with a multi-color ribbon cable.Figure 10-24: XFCG5 Display connector Figure 10-25: XRCG5 Display connectorRemove the LCD ribbon-cable connector from the DISPLAY connector. Gently rotate theconnector securing latches to the left and pull cable away.If there is enough slack in connection cables those connections may be left intact as boardis pulled away from door. If required remove other connections from the board.IMPORTANT NOTE: For XFCG5 models 6713 or a 6714, removal of the electronic board isnot required, skip the board removal steps below for those models.Remove the electronic board, being careful not to drop the mounting screws and washers:a. Remove the mounting screw holding the ground wire at the bottom right corner of theboard. Then remove the hex standoff that held the screw.b. Remove the three remaining screws from the three remaining corners and remove theboard.c. Place the board on a safe, clean, non-metal surface.Remove the four LCD hexagon mounting standoffs, using a 3/16" nut driver.Lift the LCD from the door-mounted standoffs.Install the replacement LCD and secure with standoffs.Reinstall the electronic board. Do not tighten the screws until you have had time to verifythat the new LCD works properly.Reinsert all removed connectors.Connect the LCD ribbon cable and connector to the DISPLAY connector on the board.Reconnect the power source as described in section 10.5.2 Reconnect power to theelectronic board.Ensure that the LCD displays the startup sequence and the devices restarts. If unable tosee parameters displayed, adjust the LCD contrast. (See section 10.6, Adjust the LCDcontrast.)If the LCD does not display parameters after contrast adjustment and checking that theribbon connector is firmly attached to the electronic board, call ABB technical support.If the LCD had displayed the startup sequence properly and begins to scroll parameters asprogrammed, tighten electronic board screws and close the enclosure door.