1MAC309294-MB F Section 3Basic functionsRER620 55Technical ManualFigure 8:Binary input filtering1 t 02 t 13 Input signal4 Filtered input signal5 Filter timeAt the beginning, the input signal is at the high state, the short low state is filtered and noinput state change is detected. The low state starting from the time t0 exceeds the filtertime, which means that the change in the input state is detected and the time tag attachedto the input change is t0 . The high state starting from t 1 is detected and the time tag t 1 isattached.Each binary input has a filter time parameter Input # filter, where # is the number of thebinary input of the module in question (for example Input 1 filter).Table 36: Input filter parameter values3.8.2 Binary input inversionThe parameter Input # invert is used to invert a binary input.Table 37: Binary input statesWhen a binary input is inverted, the state of the input is TRUE (1) when no control voltageis applied to its terminals. Accordingly, the input state is FALSE (0) when a controlvoltage is applied to the terminals of the binary input.Parameter Values DefaultInput # filter 1...15000 ms 5 ms1 2345 5Control voltage Input # invert State of binary inputNo 0 False (0)Yes 0 True (1)No 1 True (0)Yes 1 False (0)