Section 4 1MAC309294-MB FProtection functions184 RER620Technical Manual4.1.8 Three-phase transformer inrush detector INR4.1.8.1 Identification4.1.8.2 Function blockFigure 82: Function block4.1.8.3 FunctionalityThe transformer inrush detection INR is used to coordinate transformer inrush situationsin distribution networks.Transformer inrush detection is based on the following principle: the output signal BLK2His activated once the numerically derived ratio of second harmonic current I_2H and thefundamental frequency current I_1H exceeds the set value.The trip time characteristic for the function is of definite time (DT) type.The function contains a blocking functionality. Blocking deactivates all outputs and resetstimers. Operation principleThe function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The correspondingparameter values are Enable and Disable.The operation of an inrush current detection function can be described by using a modulediagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next sections.Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberThree-phase inrush detector INRPHAR 3I2f> INR