Displaying and Changing IP-related Information 119The following prompt is displayed:Enter DNS Server IP address []:4 Enter a valid Domain Name System (DNS) Server IP address.Resetting IPInformation toFactory DefaultSettingsYou can reset all IP information on the Webcache to factory defaultsettings using the initializeConfig command on the IP menu.To reset IP information to factory defaults:1 At the Top-level menu, enter:protocol ip initializeConfigThe following prompt is displayed:WARNING: This change will lock out all SNMP, Telnet and Webmanagement access. Do you wish to continue (yes,no)[no]: no2 Enter yes to reset the IP address for the Webcache.Pinging OtherDevicesThe PING feature allows you to send out a PING request to test whetherdevices on an IP network are accessible and functioning correctly. Thisfeature is useful for testing that the Webcache is installed and set upcorrectly, and that your network connections are working.You can PING other devices on your network using the ping commandon the IP menu.To PING a device:1 At the Top-level menu, enter:protocol ip pingThe following prompt is displayed:Enter destination IP address:2 Enter the IP address of the device that you want to PING.The Webcache sends a single PING request to the specified device and amessage similar to the following is displayed:Starting ping, resolution of displayed time is 10milli-secondsIf the device is accessible and functioning correctly, a message similar tothe following is displayed: