84 CHAPTER 3: C ONFIGURING A WX S WITCH FOR BASIC S ERVICETo verify the change, use the following command:display aaaThe following command configures a WX switch to authenticate users inthe EXAMPLE Windows domain who request access to SSID private_wlan,by processing EAP locally on the WX switch, and by using a RADIUSserver in server group grp1 for MS-CHAP-V2 authentication andauthorization:WX1200# set authentication dot1x ssid private_wlan EXAMPLE\* peap-mschapv2 grp1success: change accepted.The asterisk in this example is a wildcard. You cannot use a wildcard torepresent the delimiter characters in user globs, which are the at sign (@)and the dot (.). To match a username that contains a delimiter, you mustspecify the delimiter in the user glob as shown in these examples.Alternatively, use a double asterisk (**) with no delimiters to match allusernames.If you have more than one authentication rule, add the rules in the orderyou want MSS to use them. For example, add the most specific rules firstand the most general rules (rules that match most widely) last.WX1200# display aaaDefault Valuesauthport=1812 acctport=1813 timeout=5 acct-timeout=5retrans=3 deadtime=0 key=(null) author-pass=(null)Radius ServersServer Addr Ports T/o Tries Dead State-------------------------------------------------------------------svr1 1812 1813 5 3 0 UPsvr2 1812 1813 5 3 0 UPServer groupsgrp1 (load-balanced): svr1 svr2set authentication dot1x ssid private_wlan EXAMPLE\* peap-mschapv2 grp1Displaying andSaving theConfigurationMSS immediately implements configuration changes by updating thedevice’s running configuration. The software does not automaticallyretain configuration changes after a software reboot or a power cycle. Toreview and save configuration changes, use the following commands: