52 CHAPTER 3: C ONFIGURING A WX S WITCH FOR BASIC S ERVICETo install a CA’s certificate:1 Request a copy of the CA certificate as a PKCS #7 object file from the CA,then open the file with an ASCII text editor (such as Notepad) or abrowser.2 Type the crypto ca-certificate admin command.3 After the prompt, copy and paste the PKCS #7 object file into the CLI. Forexample:WX1200# crypto ca-certificate adminEnter PEM-encoded certificate-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDwDCCA2qgAwIBAgIQL2jvuu4P05FAQICyewU3ojANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBmzErMCkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYcYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvckB0cmFwZXplc3FhLmNvbTEL...RGpOeQ==-----END CERTIFICATE-----Displaying Certificate InformationUse the following command to display administrative certificateinformation:display crypto certificate adminThis command displays the following information about the certificate:■ X.509 version number■ Serial number■ Subject (the certificate holder’s identifying information)■ Signature algorithm used by the signer of the certificate■ Issuer information (CA information, unless the certificate isself-signed)■ Period during which the certificate is validInstalling a ServerCertificate forNetwork UsersTo use an 802.1X authentication protocol that includes local EAPprocessing on a WX switch, the switch must have a server certificate. Youcan generate a certificate on the switch itself or install a certificate