30 Chapter 2: InstallationRouter to LANConnectionIntroduction to the Ethernet interfaceThe Router 5000 provide fixed 100BASE-TX FE interface(s). For theinterface attributes, refer to Table 13.Ethernet MDI (Media Dependent Interface) is the typical Ethernetinterface on ordinary network cards. MDIX is crossover media-dependentinterface, which is generally used on Hubs or LAN switches.Ethernet cable100BASE-TX Ethernet interface usually uses Category-5 twisted pair asshown in the following figure:Figure 13 Ethernet cable assembly■ Straight-through cable: The wire sequences of the twisted pair cablecrimped by the RJ45 connectors at both ends of the cable are totallythe same. It is used to connect the terminal equipment, such as PCsand routers to HUBs or LAN Switches.■ Cross-over cable: The wire sequences of the twisted pair wirescrimped by the RJ45 connectors at both ends of the cable aredifferent. It is used to connect the terminal equipment (such as PCs) tothe terminal equipment (such as PCs). If needed, the user can makesuch cables himself.CAUTION: When making the cable, use the shielded cable to ensureEMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility).Table 13 Attributes of the Ethernet interfaceAttribute DescriptionConnector RJ45Interface MDIOperating mode 10/100Mbps auto-sensingFull duplex/half duplex