3 SETTING UP FOR MANAGEMENTMethods of Managing the Switch 1000You can manage the Switch in four ways:n Using the VT100 interface by connecting a VT100terminal (or workstation with terminal emulationsoftware) to the Switch console port.n Using the VT100 interface over a TCP/IP networkusing a workstation running VT100 terminalemulation and Telnet.n Using the VT100 interface by connecting a work-station running SLIP to the Switch console port.n Using an SNMP Network Manager over a net-work running either the IP or IPX protocol. EachNetwork Manager provides its own user inter-face to the management facilities.Using the VT100 Management InterfaceThe menu-driven user interface built into theSwitch is known as the VT100 or Local Manage-ment interface. The VT100 management interfaceprovides a forms-based structure with pre-definedsecurity levels, enabling access to be restricted toparticular users. The Switch can support up to fourmanagement user sessions concurrently (for exampleone console port and three Telnet connections).You can establish VT100 management communica-tion with the Switch through two different inter-faces:n Via the Console Port — You can access thelocal management interface using a VT100 termi-nal, or PC using suitable terminal emulation soft-ware. The terminal can be connected directly tothe Switch, or through a modem. You can alsoconnect a management workstation running SLIPto the console port, which allows you to useout-of-band Telnet. The workstation can be con-nected directly or remotely, through a modem.This method provides a way of managing theSwitch in situations where the LAN is not provid-ing a reliable service, where the Network Man-ager does not have direct LAN connectivity, orwhen a Network Manager does not supportSNMP.n Via a Network Connection — The local man-agement facility is also accessible via Telnet over anetwork running the TCP/IP protocol. The man-agement available through Telnet is exactly thesame as that of a locally connected terminal. TheTelnet application requires a VT100 terminal, orPC using suitable terminal emulation software.