2 INSTALLATION AND SETUPFollowing Safety InformationBefore installing or removing any components fromthe Switch, or carrying out any maintenance proce-dures, you must read the safety information pro-vided in Appendix A of this guide.Positioning the Switch 1000The Switch is suited for use in the office where itcan be wall-mounted, mounted in a standard19-inch equipment rack, or free standing. Alterna-tively, the unit can be rack-mounted in a wiringcloset or equipment room. A wall-mounting /rack-mounting kit, containing two mounting brack-ets and six screws, is supplied with the Switch.When deciding where to position the unit, ensurethat:n You are able to meet the configuration rulesdetailed in the following section.n The unit is accessible and cables can be con-nected easily.n Cabling is away from:n Sources of electrical noise such as radios,transmitters and broadband amplifiers.n Power lines and fluorescent lighting fixtures.n Water or moisture cannot enter the case of theunit.n Air-flow around the unit and through the vents inthe side of the case is not restricted. We recom-mend that you provide a minimum 25mm (1in.)clearance.n No objects are placed on top of the unit.n Units are not stacked more than four high iffree-standing.