
Cisco ONS 15600 manuals

ONS 15600 first page preview

ONS 15600

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Reference Guide,
  7. about this guide
  8. document objectives
  9. document conventions
  10. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  11. Command Syntax
  12. Chapter 1 General Information
  13. Alarm Codes
  14. General Rules
  15. Explicit List of AIDs - No Wildcards
  16. Keyboard Shortcuts
  17. Starting Positions for an STS-Mc SPE
  18. Default Values
  19. Equipment
  20. Ports
  21. STS and VT Paths
  22. Testing
  23. CTAG Description
  24. Setting up TL1 Communication
  25. Chapter 2 Procedure and Provisioning
  26. Open a TL1 Session Through Telnet
  27. Test Access
  28. Test Access Terminology
  29. TAP Creation and Deletion
  30. ED-T1
  31. ED-STSn
  32. Connect Test Access Points
  33. Retrieve Test Access Point Information
  35. Delete Test Access Points
  36. Test Access Mode Definitions
  37. MONE
  38. MONEF
  39. SPLTF
  40. SPLTEF
  41. LOOPF
  42. SPLTA
  43. SPLTB
  44. Way Circuit
  45. Way Circuits
  46. TL1 Gateway
  47. TL1 Sessions
  48. Implementing TL1 Gateway
  49. Log Into a Remote ENE
  50. Ring Provisioning
  51. Path Protection Cross-Connections
  52. Path Protection to Path Protection Connection Example
  53. Path Protection to Two-Fiber BLSR Connection Example
  54. Two-Fiber BLSR to Path Protection Connection Example
  55. Two-Fiber BLSR to Two-Fiber BLSR Connection Example
  56. Two-Fiber BLSR to Four-Fiber BLSR Connection Example (ONS 15454)
  57. Path Protection to Four-Fiber BLSR Connection Example (ONS 15454)
  58. Way Drop and Continue
  59. Node 1 Configuration Example (Source Node)
  60. Node 2 Configuration Example (Drop and Continue Node)
  61. Provision a PCA Cross-Connection
  62. FTP Software Download
  63. APPLY
  65. Activating New Software
  66. Remote Software Download/Activation Using the GNE
  67. Scheduled PM Report
  68. Manage PM Schedules
  69. Restrictions
  70. Bridge and Roll TL1 Commands
  71. Way Circuit Single Roll and Dual Roll Procedures
  72. Create a 1-Way Circuit Dual Roll
  73. N Low-Density to 1:N High-Density Upgrade
  74. Remote Monitoring-Managed PMs
  75. RTRV-PM-<MOD2>
  78. REPT EVT <MOD2ALM> for Threshold Crossing Events
  79. INIT-REG-<MOD2>
  82. Client Port of DWDM Cards
  83. Provisioning Rules for Transponder and Muxponder Cards
  84. OC-N Payload Provisioning Parameters
  85. Termination Mode Provisioning Rules
  86. Regeneration Group Provisioning Rules
  87. G.709 OTN, FEC and OTN SDBER/SFBER Provisioning Rules
  88. Section Trace Provisioning (J0) Rules
  89. Trail Trace Identification Provisioning Rules
  90. Y-Cable Protection Group Provisioning Rules
  91. Loopback Provisioning Rules
  92. Port State Model Provisioning Rules
  93. Overhead Circuit Provisioning Rules
  94. Chapter 3 TL1 Error
  95. Echo
ONS 15600 first page preview

ONS 15600

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Hardware
Table of contents
ONS 15600 first page preview

ONS 15600

Brand: Cisco | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. about this manual
  13. related documentation
  14. installation overview
  15. Chapter 1 Shelf and Backplane Hardware
  16. front door
  17. Rear Covers
  18. cable routing
  19. Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections
  20. Alarm Cutoff and PDU Alarms
  21. LAN Installation
  22. power distribution unit
  23. Fan-Tray Assembly
  24. air filter
  25. Fan Speed and Failure
  26. Cards and Slots
  27. OGI Cables
  28. card replacement
  29. Card Overview
  30. Chapter 2 Card Reference
  31. TSC Card
  32. TSC Faceplate and Block Diagram
  33. TSC Card-Level Indicators
  34. TSC Push-Button Switches
  35. SSXC Slots and Connectors
  36. SSXC Card-Level Indicators
  37. OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  38. OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Card-Level Indicators
  39. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Card
  40. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  41. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Network-Level Indicators
  42. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Card
  43. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  44. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Card-Level Indicators
  45. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Card
  46. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  47. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Card Network-Level Indicators
  48. ASAP Connectors
  49. ASAP Card Faceplate and Block Diagram with 4PIOs Installed
  50. PIO Module Faceplate
  51. ASAP Card-Level Indicators
  52. ASAP Card Port Numbering (4PIO Installed)
  53. ASAP Card Port Numbering (1PIO Installed)
  54. SFP/XFP Modules
  55. XFP Description
  56. PPM Provisioning
  57. Chapter 3 Card Protection
  58. External Switching Commands
  59. CTC Software Delivery Methods
  60. C H A P T E R 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
  61. PC and UNIX Workstation Requirements
  62. CTC Login
  63. Legal Disclaimer
  64. Node View
  65. Node View Card Shortcuts
  66. network view
  67. CTC Node Colors
  68. Network View Tabs
  69. Card View
  70. Export and Print CTC Data
  71. CTC Card Reset
  72. TSC Card Database
  73. Users IDs and Security Levels
  74. Chapter 5 Security
  75. Security Policies
  76. Idle User Timeout
  77. Audit Trail
  78. radius authentication
  79. timing parameters
  80. Chapter 6 Timing
  81. Synchronization Status Messaging
  82. SONET SSM Messages
  83. Chapter 7 Circuit and Tunnel
  84. Concatenated VC4 Time Slot Assignments
  85. Circuit Status
  86. Circuit States
  87. Circuit Protection Types
  88. Cross-Connect Card Bandwidth
  89. IP-Encapsulated Tunnels
  90. Protection Channel Access Circuits
  91. MS-SPRing VC4/VC3 Squelch Table
  92. Automatic Circuit Routing
  93. Secondary Sources and Destination
  94. Constraint-Based Circuit Routing
  95. Roll Status
  96. Two Circuit Bridge and Roll
  97. Reconfigured Circuits
  98. VCAT Circuit Routing over Server Trails
  99. Low-Order Traffic Routing over an ONS 15600 SDH Hub Node
  100. Manual Low-order Circuit Creation
  101. High-Order VC3 Traffic Routing
  102. Chapter 8 SDH Topologie and Upgrade
  103. Two-Fiber MS-SPRings
  104. MS-SPRing Bandwidth
  105. Subnetwork Connection Protection Rings
  106. Dual-Ring Interconnect
  107. MS-SPRing DRI
  108. SNCP DRI
  109. SNCP/MS-SPRing DRI Handoff Configurations
  110. Subtending Rings
  111. Extended Subnetwork Connection Protection Networks
  112. In-Service Topology Upgrades
  113. Overlay Ring Circuits
  114. Overview
  115. C H A P T E R 9 Management Network Connectivity
  116. Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15600 SDHs Connected to Router
  117. Scenario 3: Using Proxy ARP to Enable an ONS 15600 SDH Gateway
  118. Scenario 4: Default Gateway on CTC Computer
  119. Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs
  120. Scenario 6: Using OSPF
  121. Scenario 7: Provisioning the ONS 15600 SDH Proxy Server
  122. Firewall Not Enabled
  123. Firewall Enabled
  124. Scenario 8: Dual GNEs on a Subnet
  125. routing table
  126. External Firewalls
  127. Open GNE
  128. TCP/IP and OSI Networking
  129. Point-to-Point Protocol
  130. Link Access Protocol on the D Channel
  131. OSI Routing
  132. End System-to-Intermediate System Protocol
  133. bridge control protocol
  134. VLAN
  135. Autonegotiation
  136. Gigabit EtherChannel/IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation
  137. C H A P T E R 11 Alarm Monitoring and Management
  138. Alarm Window
  139. Conditions Window
  140. Conditions Window Actions
  141. History Window
  142. Alarm History Actions
  143. Alarm Profile Buttons
  144. Alarm Profile Editing
  145. Alarm Filter
  146. Alarms Suppressed for Maintenance
  147. External Alarm Input
  148. performance monitoring
  149. Chapter 12 Performance Monitoring
  150. Performance-Monitoring Parameter Definitions
  151. Optical Card Performance Monitoring
  152. Physical Layer Parameters
  153. ASAP Card Performance Monitoring
  154. ASAP Card Ethernet Performance Monitoring Parameters
  155. ASAP Card Ether Ports Utilization Window
  156. ASAP Card Ether Ports History Window
  157. ASAP Card POS Ports Utilization Window
  158. snmp overview
  159. Chapter 13 SNMP
  160. Basic SNMP Components
  161. snmpv3 support
  162. SNMP Message Types
  163. SNMP Management Information Bases
  164. Proprietary ONS 15600 SDH MIBs
  165. SNMP Trap Content
  166. Generic and IETF Traps
  167. SNMPv1/v2 Proxy Over Firewalls
  168. remote monitoring
  169. Bit RMON Monitoring over DCC
  170. Get Requests and GetNext Requests
  171. Row Creation in historyControlTable
  172. Event RMON Group
  173. hardware specifications
  174. Appendix A Hardware Specification
  175. A.1.8 TL1 Craft Interface
  176. A.1.14 Environmental Specifications
  177. A.2.1 TSC Card Specifications
  178. A.2.2 SSXC Specifications
  179. A.2.4 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Specifications
  180. A.2.5 OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Specifications
  181. A.2.6 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Specifications
  182. A.2.7 ASAP Specifications
  183. A.2.8 Filler Card Specifications
  184. Administrative and Service States
  185. B.2 Administrative States
  186. B.3 Service State Transitions
  187. B.3.2 Port and Cross-Connect Service State Transitions
  188. B.3.3 Pluggable Equipment Service State Transitions
  189. Network Element Defaults
  190. C.2 Card Default Settings
  191. C.2.2 Threshold Defaults
  192. C.2.3.2 STM64-4-DWDM Card Default Settings
  193. C.2.3.3 STM16-16 Card Default Settings
  194. C.2.3.4 ASAP Card Default Settings
  195. C.3 Node Default Settings
  196. C.3.1 Time Zones
  197. C.4 CTC Default Settings
  198. Optical Port Protection
ONS 15600 first page preview

ONS 15600

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Accessory
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual,
  13. about this manual
  14. document conventions
  15. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  16. Installation Overview
  17. Chapter 1 Shelf and Backplane Hardware
  18. Front Door
  19. Rear Covers
  20. Cable Routing
  21. Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections
  22. Alarm Cutoff and PDU Alarms
  23. LAN Installation
  24. Power Distribution Unit
  25. Fan-Tray Assembly
  26. Air Filter
  27. Fan Speed and Failure
  28. Cards and Slots
  29. ASAP Card Cables
  30. OGI Cables
  31. Optical Card Cable Routing
  32. Card Overview
  33. Chapter 2 Card Reference
  34. TSC Card
  35. TSC Faceplate and Block Diagram
  36. TSC Card-Level Indicators
  37. TSC Push-Button Switches
  38. SSXC Faceplate and Block Diagram
  39. SSXC Card-Level Indicators
  40. OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  41. OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Card-Level Indicators
  42. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Card
  43. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  44. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Card-Level Indicators
  45. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Card
  46. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  47. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Card-Level Indicators
  48. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Card
  49. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  50. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Card Network-Level Indicators
  51. ASAP Connectors
  52. ASAP Covers and Plugs
  53. PIO Module Faceplate
  54. ASAP Card-Level Indicators
  55. ASAP Card Port Numbering (4PIO Installed)
  56. ASAP Card Port Numbering (1PIO Installed)
  57. SFP/XFP Modules
  58. XFP Description
  59. PPM Provisioning
  60. Chapter 3 Card Protection
  61. Unprotected Ports
  62. External Switching Commands
  63. CTC Software Delivery Methods
  64. C H A P T E R 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
  65. PC and UNIX Workstation Requirements
  66. CTC Login
  67. Legal Disclaimer
  68. Node View
  69. Node View Card Shortcuts
  70. Network View
  71. Network View Tabs
  72. Card View
  73. Export and Print CTC Data
  74. CTC Card Reset
  75. TSC Card Database
  76. Users IDs and Security Levels
  77. Chapter 5 Security
  78. Security Policies
  79. Idle User Timeout
  80. Audit Trail
  81. RADIUS Security
  82. Chapter 6 Timing
  83. Synchronization Status Messaging
  84. Chapter 7 Circuit and Tunnel
  85. Concatenated STS Time Slot Assignments
  86. Circuit Status
  87. Circuit States
  88. Circuit Protection Types
  89. Circuit Information in the Edit Circuit Window
  90. Cross-Connect Card Bandwidth
  91. DCC Tunnels
  92. Multiple Destinations for Unidirectional Circuits
  93. Protection Channel Access Circuits
  94. BLSR VT Squelch Table
  95. Path Trace
  96. Bandwidth Allocation and Routing
  97. Manual Circuit Routing
  98. Constraint-Based Circuit Routing
  99. Bridge and Roll
  100. Roll Status
  101. Single and Dual Rolls
  102. Two Circuit Bridge and Roll
  103. Reconfigured Circuits
  104. Server Trail Protection Types
  105. Shared Resource Link Group
  106. Automatic VT Circuit Creation
  107. Chapter 8 SONET Topologie and Upgrade
  108. Two-Fiber BLSRs
  109. Four-Fiber BLSRs
  110. BLSR Bandwidth
  111. BLSR Fiber Connections
  112. Path-Protected Mesh Networks
  113. In-Service Topology Upgrades
  114. Overview
  115. C H A P T E R 9 Management Network Connectivity
  116. Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15600s Connected to Router
  117. Scenario 4: Default Gateway on CTC Computer
  118. Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs
  119. Scenario 6: Using OSPF
  120. Scenario 7: Provisioning the ONS 15600 Proxy Server
  121. Firewall Enabled
  122. Scenario 8: Dual GNEs on a Subnet
  123. routing table
  124. Routing Table
  125. External Firewalls
  126. Open GNE
  127. TCP/IP and OSI Networking
  128. Point-to-Point Protocol
  129. Link Access Protocol on the D Channel
  130. OSI Connectionless Network Service
  131. OSI Routing
  132. TARP
  133. TARP Processing
  134. Manual TARP Adjacencies
  135. OSI Virtual Routers
  136. IP-over-CLNS Tunnels
  137. IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel Scenario 1: ONS Node to Other Vendor GNE
  138. IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel Scenario 2: ONS Node to Router
  139. IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel Scenario 3: ONS Node to Router Across an OSI DCN
  140. OSI/IP Networking Scenarios
  141. OSI/IP Scenario 2: IP OSS, IP DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other Vendor ENE
  142. OSI/IP Scenario 3: IP OSS, IP DCN, Other Vendor GNE, OSI DCC, and ONS ENE
  143. OSI/IP Scenario 4: Multiple ONS DCC Areas
  144. OSI/IP Scenario 5: GNE Without an OSI DCC Connection
  145. OSI/IP Scenario 6: IP OSS, OSI DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other Vendor ENE
  146. OSI/IP Scenario 7: OSI OSS, OSI DCN, Other Vender GNE, OSI DCC, and ONS NEs
  147. OSI/IP Scenario 8: OSI OSS, OSI DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other Vender NEs
  148. OSI Provisioning in CTC
  149. IPv6 Network Compatibility
  150. Any Service Any Port Card Application
  151. Chapter 10 Ethernet Operation
  152. Ethernet Rates and Mapping
  153. Oversubscription
  154. VLAN
  155. Autonegotiation
  156. Gigabit EtherChannel/IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation
  157. C H A P T E R 11 Alarm Monitoring and Management
  158. Alarm Window
  159. Conditions Window
  160. Conditions Window Actions
  161. History Window
  162. Alarm History Actions
  163. Alarm Profile Buttons
  164. Alarm Profile Editing
  165. Alarm Filter
  166. Alarms Suppressed for Maintenance
  167. External Alarm Input
  168. Threshold Performance Monitoring
  169. Chapter 12 Performance Monitoring
  170. Pointer Justification Count
  171. Performance-Monitoring Parameter Definitions
  172. Bidirectional Line Switched Rings
  173. Optical Card Performance Monitoring
  174. Physical Layer Parameters
  175. ASAP Card Ethernet Performance Monitoring Parameters
  176. ASAP Card Ether Ports Utilization Window
  177. ASAP Card Ether Ports History Window
  178. ASAP Card POS Ports Utilization Window
  179. SNMP Overview
  180. Chapter 13 SNMP
  181. SNMP External Interface Requirement
  182. SNMP Management Information Bases
  183. Proprietary ONS 15600 MIBs
  184. Generic and IETF Traps
  185. Proxy Over Firewalls
  186. Remote Monitoring
  187. Ethernet Statistics RMON Group
  188. History Control Table
  189. Alarm RMON Group
  190. Hardware Specifications
  191. A.1.3 Cards
  192. A.1.7 External LAN Interface
  193. A.1.13 Database Storage
  194. A.2 Card Specifications
  195. A.2.2 SSXC Specifications
  196. A.2.4 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Specifications
  197. A.2.5 OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Specifications
  198. A.2.6 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Specifications
  199. A.2.7 ASAP Specifications
  200. A.2.8 Filler Card Specifications
  201. Administrative and Service States
  202. B.2 Administrative States
  203. B.3 Service State Transitions
  204. B.3.2 Port and Cross-Connect Service State Transitions
  205. B.3.3 Pluggable Equipment Service State Transitions
  206. Network Element Defaults
  207. C.2 Card Default Settings
  208. C.2.2 Threshold Defaults
  209. C.2.3.3 OC48_16 Card Default Settings
  210. C.2.3.4 ASAP Card Default Settings
  211. C.3 Node Default Settings
  212. C.3.1 Time Zones
  213. C.4 CTC Default Settings
  214. Timing Parameters
ONS 15600 first page preview

ONS 15600

Brand: Cisco | Category: Switch
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual,
  11. about this manual
  12. document organization
  13. related documentation
  14. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  15. Installation Overview
  16. Chapter 1 Shelf and Backplane Hardware
  17. Front Door
  18. Rear Covers
  19. Cable Routing
  20. Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections
  21. Alarm Cutoff and PDU Alarms
  22. LAN Installation
  23. Power Distribution Unit
  24. Fan-Tray Assembly
  25. Fan Speed and Failure
  26. Cards and Slots
  27. OGI Cables
  28. Optical Card Cable Routing
  29. Card Overview
  30. Chapter 2 Card Reference
  31. TSC Card
  32. TSC Faceplate and Block Diagram
  33. TSC Card-Level Indicators
  34. TSC Push-Button Switches
  35. SSXC Slots and Connectors
  36. SSXC Card-Level Indicators
  37. OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  38. OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Card-Level Indicators
  39. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Card
  40. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  41. OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Card-Level Indicators
  42. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Card
  43. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  44. OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Card-Level Indicators
  45. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Card
  46. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Faceplate and Block Diagram
  47. OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Network-Level Indicators
  48. ASAP Connectors
  49. ASAP Card Faceplate and Block Diagram
  50. PIO Module Faceplate
  51. ASAP Card Port Numbering
  52. SFP (PPM) Modules
  53. SFP (PPM) Description
  54. Chapter 3 Card Protection
  55. Unprotected Ports
  56. External Switching Commands
  57. CTC Software Delivery Methods
  58. C H A P T E R 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
  59. PC and UNIX Workstation Requirements
  60. CTC Login
  61. Login Node Group
  62. Node View
  63. Node View Card Shortcuts
  64. Network View
  65. Card View
  66. CTC Card Reset
  67. Users IDs and Security Levels
  68. Chapter 5 Security
  69. Security Policies
  70. Superuser Password and Login Privileges
  71. Audit Trail Log Entries
  72. Shared Secrets
  73. timing parameters
  74. Chapter 6 Timing
  75. Synchronization Status Messaging
  76. Chapter 7 Circuit and Tunnel
  77. Concatenated STS Time Slot Assignments
  78. Circuit Status
  79. Circuit States
  80. Circuit Protection Types
  81. Cross-Connect Card Bandwidth
  82. IP-Encapsulated Tunnels
  83. Protection Channel Access Circuits
  84. Path Trace
  85. Bandwidth Allocation and Routing
  86. Manual Circuit Routing
  87. Constraint-Based Circuit Routing
  88. Rolls Window
  89. Roll Status
  90. Single and Dual Rolls
  91. Two Circuit Bridge and Roll
  92. Reconfigure Circuits
  93. Chapter 8 SONET Topologie and Upgrade
  94. Two-Fiber BLSRs
  95. Four-Fiber BLSRs
  96. BLSR Bandwidth
  97. BLSR Fiber Connections
  98. Path-Protected Mesh Networks
  99. In-Service Topology Upgrades
  100. Overview
  101. C H A P T E R 9 Management Network Connectivity
  102. Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15600s Connected to Router
  103. Scenario 4: Default Gateway on CTC Computer
  104. Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs
  105. Scenario 6: Using OSPF
  106. Scenario 7: Provisioning the ONS 15600 Proxy Server
  107. Firewall Enabled
  108. Scenario 8: Dual GNEs on a Subnet
  109. Provisionable Patchcords
  110. Routing Table
  111. External Firewalls
  112. Open GNE
  113. TCP/IP and OSI Networking
  114. Point-to-Point Protocol
  115. Link Access Protocol on the D Channel
  116. OSI Connectionless Network Service
  117. OSI Routing
  118. TARP
  119. TARP Processing
  120. Manual TARP Adjacencies
  121. OSI Virtual Routers
  122. IP-over-CLNS Tunnels
  123. IP Over CLNS Tunnel Scenario 1: ONS Node to Other Vendor GNE
  124. IP Over CLNS Tunnel Scenario 2: ONS Node to Router
  125. IP Over CLNS Tunnel Scenario 3: ONS Node to Router Across an OSI DCN
  126. OSI/IP Networking Scenarios
  127. OSI/IP Scenario 2: IP OSS, IP DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other Vendor ENE
  128. OSI/IP Scenario 3: IP OSS, IP DCN, Other Vendor GNE, OSI DCC, and ONS ENE
  129. OSI/IP Scenario 4: Multiple ONS DCC Areas
  130. OSI/IP Scenario 5: GNE Without an OSI DCC Connection
  131. OSI/IP Scenario 6: IP OSS, OSI DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other Vendor ENE
  132. OSI/IP Scenario 7: OSI OSS, OSI DCN, Other Vender GNE, OSI DCC, and ONS NEs
  133. OSI/IP Scenario 8: OSI OSS, OSI DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other Vender NEs
  134. OSI Provisioning in CTC
  135. Any Service Any Port Card Application
  136. Chapter 10 Ethernet Operation
  137. Ethernet Rates and Mapping
  138. Oversubscription
  139. VLAN
  140. Autonegotiation
  141. Gigabit EtherChannel/IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation
  142. C H A P T E R 11 Alarm Monitoring and Management
  143. Alarm Window
  144. Conditions Window
  145. Conditions Window Actions
  146. History Window
  147. Alarm History Actions
  148. Alarm Profile Buttons
  149. Alarm Severity Option
  150. Alarm Filter
  151. External Alarms and Controls
  152. Virtual Wires for External Alarms in Mixed Networks
  153. Hardware Specifications
  154. A.1.3 Cards
  155. A.1.8 TL1 Craft Interface
  156. A.1.14 Environmental Specifications
  157. A.2.1 TSC Card Specifications
  158. A.2.2 SSXC Specifications
  159. A.2.4 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Specifications
  160. A.2.5 OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Specifications
  161. A.2.6 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Specifications
  162. A.2.7 ASAP Specifications
  163. A.2.8 Filler Card Specifications
  164. Administrative and Service States
  165. B.2 Administrative States
  166. B.3 Service State Transitions
  167. B.3.2 Port and Cross-Connect Service State Transitions
  168. Network Element Defaults
  169. C.2 Card Default Settings
  170. C.2.1 OC192_4 Card Default Settings
  171. C.2.2 OC48_16 Card Default Settings
  172. C.2.3 ASAP Card Default Settings
  173. C.3 Node Default Settings
  174. C.3.1 Time Zones
  175. C.4 CTC Default Settings
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