C H A P T E R1-1Cisco ONS 15600 Procedure Guide, R7.078-17203-011Install the Bay and Backplane ConnectionsThis chapter provides procedures for installing the Cisco ONS 15600. To view a summary of the toolsand equipment required for installation, see the “Required Tools and Equipment” section on page 1-2.Before You BeginThis section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).Perform these procedures in the order they appear.1. NTP-E1 Unpack and Inspect the ONS 15600 Bay Assembly, page 1-4—Complete this procedurebefore continuing with the “NTP-E2 Install the Bay Assembly” procedure on page 1-5.2. NTP-E2 Install the Bay Assembly, page 1-5—Complete this procedure to install the bay assembly.3. NTP-E3 Open and Remove the Front Door, page 1-6—Complete this procedure to access theequipment before continuing with other procedures in this chapter.4. NTP-E104 Install Cable Routing Modules and Kick Plates, page 1-8—Complete as needed toremove the existing cable routers and install the cable routing modules (CRMs).5. NTP-E4 Install the Bay Power and Ground, page 1-9—Complete this procedure before continuingwith the “NTP-E5 Remove the Rear Cover” procedure on page 1-11.6. NTP-E5 Remove the Rear Cover, page 1-11—Complete this procedure before continuing with the“NTP-E6 Install Wires to Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections” procedure onpage 1-11.7. NTP-E6 Install Wires to Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections, page 1-11—Complete asneeded to set up connections on the backplane.8. NTP-E8 Replace the Rear Cover, page 1-12—Complete as needed to install the rear cover.9. NTP-E7 Perform the Bay Installation Acceptance Test, page 1-13—Complete this procedure todetermine if you have correctly completed all other procedures in the chapter.Warning Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment.Statement 1030Warning This unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas. A restricted access area can beaccessed only through the use of a special tool, lock and key, or other means of security.Statement 1017