
Fujitsu Eternus DX80 S2 manuals

Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. using this manual
  2. compliance with standards
  3. about this manual
  4. symbols used in this manual
  5. safety precautions
  6. power synchronized unit
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Chapter 1 Overview
  11. Features
  12. Specifications
  13. Components
  14. Table 1.2 Status and meanings of each LED (for power synchronized units)
  15. AC Sensor Unit (Optional)
  16. System Configuration
  17. Figure 1.6 System configuration example (power synchronization with three or more server UPS units)
  18. Power Management for Power Synchronization
  19. Figure 1.8 Operation timing chart when using a power synchronized unit (powering on)
  20. Figure 1.9 Power off using a power synchronized unit
  21. Figure 1.10 Operation timing chart when using a power synchronized unit (powering off)
  22. Chapter 2 Installation
  23. Preparation
  24. Installing in a Rack
  25. Installing a Power Synchronized Unit
  26. Installing an AC Sensor Unit
  27. Chapter 3 Powering On and Off
  28. Chapter 4 Connection and Settings
  29. Setting the ETERNUS DX/AF
  30. Figure 4.2 ETERNUS DX8700 S3/DX8900 S3 setup (Setup Power Management screen)
  31. Figure 4.3 ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 setup (Setup Power Management screen)
  32. Figure 4.4 ETERNUS DX60 S2 setup (Setup Power Management screen)
  33. Turning on the Power Synchronized Unit
  34. Connecting Cascade Cables
  35. Connecting to the Server UPS Unit
  36. Connecting the Server UPS Unit to the Power Synchronized Unit
  37. Connecting the AC Sensor Unit
  38. Connecting to the ETERNUS DX/AF
  39. Checking after Connection
  40. Chapter 5 Adding a Connecting Device
  41. Connection Procedure When Adding an ETERNUS DX/AF
  42. Chapter 6 Operation and Maintenance
  43. Replacing a Power Synchronized Unit
  44. Troubleshooting
  45. Trouble Record
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Network Storage Server
Table of contents
  1. typographic conventions
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Chapter 1 Overview
  14. The Command Syntax
  15. Alias Name Syntax
  16. Flexible Tier Pool Syntax
  17. RAID Group Syntax
  18. Host Syntax
  19. Affinity Group Syntax
  20. ECO Schedule Syntax
  21. Port Group Syntax
  22. Size of Devices and Logical Units
  23. Command Editing Hotkeys
  24. Viewing Command Help
  25. Multiple Sessions
  26. CLI User Authority
  27. Chapter 2 Status Display
  28. show status
  29. show enclosure-status
  30. show fru-ce
  31. show fru-de
  32. show disks
  33. show hardware-information
  34. Chapter 3 Configuration Settings and Display
  35. set thin-pro-license
  36. delete thin-pro-license
  37. show thin-pro-license
  38. create thin-pro-pool
  39. set thin-pro-pool
  40. delete thin-pro-pool
  41. show thin-pro-pools
  42. show thin-pro-pool-progress
  43. expand thin-pro-pool
  44. format thin-pro-pool
  45. Thin Provisioning Pool ECO Management
  46. set eco-thin-pro-pool
  47. release eco-thin-pro-pool
  48. show eco-thin-pro-pool
  49. Flexible Tier Management
  50. show flexible-tier-mode
  51. delete flexible-tier-pool
  52. show flexible-tier-pools
  53. show flexible-tier-pool-progress
  54. set flexible-tier-sub-pool
  55. show flexible-tier-sub-pools
  56. FTRPE Migration
  57. show ftrpe-migration
  58. FTV Balancing
  59. start balancing-flexible-tier-pool
  60. stop balancing-flexible-tier-pool
  61. show balancing-flexible-tier-pools
  62. RAID Group Management
  63. create raid-group
  64. set raid-group
  65. delete raid-group
  66. show raid-groups
  67. show raid-group-progress
  68. expand raid-group
  69. Hot Spares
  70. set global-spare
  71. release global-spare
  72. set dedicated-spare
  73. release dedicated-spare
  74. ECO Management
  75. set eco-mode
  76. show eco-mode
  77. create eco-schedule
  78. set eco-schedule
  79. delete eco-schedule
  80. show eco-schedule
  81. set eco-raid-group
  82. release eco-raid-group
  83. show eco-raid-group
  84. Volume Management
  85. create volume
  86. set volume
  87. delete volume
  88. delete all-volumes
  89. show volumes
  90. show volume-progress
  91. show volume-mapping
  92. format volume
  93. expand volume
  94. start migration
  95. stop migration
  96. show migration
  97. start balancing-thin-pro-volume
  98. stop balancing-thin-pro-volume
  99. show balancing-thin-pro-volumes
  100. start zero-reclamation
  101. stop zero-reclamation
  102. Flexible Tier Volumes
  103. create flexible-tier-volume
  104. set flexible-tier-volume
  105. format flexible-tier-volume
  106. expand flexible-tier-volume
  107. delete flexible-tier-volume
  108. delete all-flexible-tier-volumes
  109. start flexible-tier-migration
  110. ODX Buffer Volume
  111. set odx-mode
  112. show odx-mode
  113. create odx-buffer-volume
  114. set odx-buffer-volume
  115. delete odx-buffer-volume
  116. Host Interface Management
  117. Host Interface Port Parameters
  118. set fc-parameters
  119. show fc-parameters
  120. set sas-parameters
  121. show sas-parameters
  122. set iscsi-parameters
  123. show iscsi-parameters
  124. set fcoe-parameters
  125. show fcoe-parameters
  126. Host Identifiers (Host Alias)
  127. create host-wwn-name
  128. set host-wwn-name
  129. delete host-wwn-name
  130. show host-wwn-names
  131. discover host-wwn-names
  132. create host-sas-address
  133. set host-sas-address
  134. delete host-sas-address
  135. show host-sas-addresses
  136. discover host-sas-addresses
  137. create host-iscsi-name
  138. set host-iscsi-name
  139. delete host-iscsi-name
  140. show host-iscsi-names
  141. discover host-iscsi-names
  142. Affinity Groups
  143. create affinity-group
  144. set affinity-group
  145. copy affinity-group
  146. delete affinity-group
  147. show affinity-groups
  148. LUN Groups
  149. create lun-group
  150. set lun-group
  151. copy lun-group
  152. delete lun-group
  153. show lun-groups
  154. set host-path-state
  155. show host-path-state
  156. Mapping (When Affinity Groups are Used)
  157. set host-affinity
  158. copy host-affinity
  159. release host-affinity
  160. show host-affinity
  161. Mapping (When Host Affinity Mode is Not Used)
  162. set mapping
  163. copy mapping
  164. release mapping
  165. show mapping
  166. Host Response
  167. set host-response
  168. delete host-response
  169. show host-response
  170. Host Sense Conversion
  171. set host-sense
  172. delete host-sense
  173. show host-sense
  174. Reset Group for Host Interface Port
  175. set ca-reset-group
  176. show ca-reset-group
  177. Ping Command for iSCSI hosts
  178. test iscsi-ping
  179. Port Groups
  180. create port-group
  181. set port-group
  182. delete port-group
  183. show port-groups
  184. Host Groups
  185. create host-group
  186. set host-group
  187. delete host-group
  188. show host-groups
  189. Host LU QoS
  190. set host-lu-qos-mode
  191. show host-lu-qos-mode
  192. set lu-qos-group
  193. show lu-qos-groups
  194. delete lu-qos-group
  195. set host-lu-qos
  196. show host-lu-qos
  197. set lu-qos-schedule
  198. show lu-qos-schedule
  199. start host-lu-qos-performance
  200. stop host-lu-qos-performance
  201. show host-lu-qos-performance
  202. Chapter 4 Function/System Settings and Display
  203. create role
  204. set role
  205. delete role
  206. show role
  207. create user
  208. set user
  209. delete user
  210. show users
  211. show login-users
  212. set password
  213. initialize all-users
  214. import ssh-public-key
  215. delete ssh-public-key
  216. RADIUS Server Settings
  217. set radius
  218. show radius
  219. Advanced Copy Management
  220. SnapOPC+ Outline
  221. Copy Session Management
  222. set advanced-copy-license
  223. delete advanced-copy-license
  224. show advanced-copy-license
  225. set advanced-copy-policy
  226. show advanced-copy-policy
  227. set advanced-copy-parameters
  228. show advanced-copy-parameters
  229. initialize snap-data-volume
  230. show snap-data-volume
  231. show snap-data-pool
  232. delete snap-data-pool-volume
  233. start advanced-copy
  234. stop advanced-copy
  235. show advanced-copy-sessions
  236. Remote Equivalent Copy Management
  237. Summaries of REC Environment Settings through CLI
  238. set host-port-mode
  239. show host-port-mode
  240. import rec-path
  241. show rec-path
  242. export backup-rec-path
  243. show backup-rec-path-information
  244. convert rec-path
  245. measure rec-round-trip-time
  246. set rec-round-trip-time
  247. set rec-multiplicity
  248. set rec-buffer
  249. delete rec-buffer
  250. show rec-buffer
  251. create rec-disk-buffer
  252. set rec-disk-buffer
  253. delete rec-disk-buffer
  254. show rec-disk-buffer
  255. format rec-disk-buffer
  256. release rec-disk-buffer
  257. Network Management
  258. set network
  259. show network
  260. set firewall
  261. show firewall
  262. SNMP
  263. set snmp
  264. show snmp
  265. create snmp-manager
  266. set snmp-manager
  267. delete snmp-manager
  268. show snmp-manager
  269. create snmp-view
  270. set snmp-view
  271. delete snmp-view
  272. show snmp-view
  273. create snmp-user
  274. set snmp-user
  275. delete snmp-user
  276. show snmp-user
  277. create community-profile
  278. set community-profile
  279. delete community-profile
  280. show community-profile
  281. set snmp-trap
  282. delete snmp-trap
  283. show snmp-trap
  284. test snmp-trap
  285. export enhanced-mib
  286. E-mail Notification
  287. set email-notification
  288. show email-notification
  289. test email
  290. Event Notification
  291. set event-notification
  292. show event-notification
  293. set lcd-suppress
  294. show lcd-suppress
  295. SMI-S
  296. set smi-s
  297. show smi-s
  298. SSH/SSL Security Configuration
  299. create ssh-server-key
  300. create ssl-certificate
  301. export ssl-certificate-request
  302. import ssl-certificate
  303. AIS Connect Settings
  304. set ais-connect
  305. show ais-connect
  306. set ais-connect-remote-session
  307. test ais-connect
  308. send ais-connect-log
  309. test ais-connect-event-notification
  310. import ais-ssl-certificate
  311. Miscellaneous
  312. set date
  313. show date
  314. show ntp
  315. ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Name
  316. set storage-system-name
  317. show storage-system-name
  318. Encryption Mode
  319. set encryption
  320. show encryption
  321. Box ID
  322. set boxid
  323. show boxid
  324. Power Synchronization
  325. set power-synchronization
  326. show power-synchronization
  327. Self-Encrypted Disk (SED) Authentication Settings
  328. set sed-authentication
  329. show sed-authentication
  330. Syslog Server Settings
  331. set syslog-notification
  332. show syslog-notification
  333. Audit Log Settings
  334. set audit
  335. show audit
  336. Key Management Server Linkage Function
  337. set sed-key-machine-name
  338. show sed-key-machine-name
  339. set sed-key-server
  340. show sed-key-servers
  341. import ssl-kmip-certificate
  342. create sed-key-group
  343. set sed-key-group
  344. delete sed-key-group
  345. show sed-key-groups
  346. change sed-key
  347. recover sed-key-group
  348. Shutdown/Restart System
  349. shutdown
  350. Chapter 5 Information Settings and Display
  351. start performance
  352. stop performance
  353. show performance
  354. Performance Tuning Parameters
  355. set raid-tuning
  356. show raid-tuning
  357. set cache-parameters
  358. show cache-parameters
  359. Event Log Information
  360. show events
  361. delete events
  362. Maintenance
  363. hot expansion
  364. show btu-date
  365. Remote Directory
  366. show remote-dir
  367. Controller Firmware
  368. show firmware-version
  369. export log
  370. Panic Dump
  371. export panic-dump
  372. show panic-dump
  373. Configuration Information
  374. export config-information
  375. show config-information
  376. Error Information
  377. show disk-error
  378. clear disk-error
  379. show port-error
  380. Bad Data Information in Volumes
  381. show bad-data-info
  382. Utility
  383. show diagnosis
  384. show led
  385. Other Notification
  386. set event-parameters
  387. show event-parameters
  388. Sub-system Parameters
  389. set subsystem-parameters
  390. show subsystem-parameters
  391. Reservations
  392. release reservation
  393. show reservation
  394. Cache Utilities
  395. show pinned-data
  396. Chapter 6 CLI Original Function
  397. set clienv-force-unlock
  398. set clienv-idle-timeout
  399. logoff/logout/exit
  400. help
  401. Appendix A Error Messages
  402. Appendix B List of Supported Commands
  403. B.2 List of Supported Commands (Policies)
  404. B.3 List of Supported Commands (Default Roles)
  405. Appendix C Firmware Version Support for Commands
  406. Appendix D Basic Setting Examples
  407. D.1.1 RAID Configuration Setting Procedure
  408. D.1.2 Host Access Setting Procedure
  409. D.2 Settings for Various Host Accesses
  410. D.2.1 Specifying a Host and Performing Mapping (Host Affinity Mode)
  411. D.2.2 Specifying a Port Group and Performing LUN Mapping
  412. D.2.3 Specifying a Port and Setting LUN Mapping
  413. D.3 Setting Cancellation
  414. D.3.1 Canceling Mapping
  415. D.3.3 Deleting LUN Groups
  416. D.3.6 Deleting Registered Hosts
  417. Appendix E Default Value List
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. about this manual
  2. additional information
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Chapter 1 Components
  8. Rear
  9. Components (Front)
  10. Figure 1.10 Drive slot numbers (3.5" type controller enclosure)
  11. Components (Rear)
  12. Figure 1.12 Host interface (FC, iSCSI 10Gbit/s, FCoE)
  13. Figure 1.14 Host interface (SAS)
  14. Figure 1.15 Power supply unit
  15. Drive Enclosures
  16. Figure 1.18 Rear view of a drive enclosure (single-IOM type)
  17. Figure 1.20 LEDs on the front side of the drive enclosure
  18. Figure 1.22 Drive slot numbers (2.5" type drive enclosure)
  19. Figure 1.25 I/O module
  20. Figure 1.26 Power supply unit
  21. Power Distribution Units (for Regions other than EMEA&I)
  22. Chapter 2 Basic Operation
  23. Figure 2.2 ON position (marked "|") of the main line switches on a 2U power distribution unit
  24. Switching On and Off the PSU Switch on the Power Supply Unit
  25. Powering On
  26. Powering Off
  27. Using the FUNCTION Button
  28. Chapter 3 Setup
  29. Thin Provisioning Setup
  30. Flexible Tier Setup
  31. Data Encryption
  32. Eco-mode
  33. Optimizing Volume Configurations
  34. RAID Migration
  35. Logical Device Expansion (LDE)
  36. LUN Concatenation
  37. Chapter 4 Operations
  38. Monitoring ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Status
  39. LED Status Check
  40. Event Notification
  41. Chapter 5 Installing Optional Products
  42. Installation Rules for Drives
  43. Installable Drives
  44. Additional Drive Installation Procedure
  45. Installing Drive Enclosures
  46. Drive Enclosure Handling Instructions
  47. Additional Drive Enclosure Installation
  48. Installing Host Interfaces
  49. Installable Host Interfaces
  50. Chapter 6 Maintenance
  51. Rebuild/Copyback Process Time
  52. Maintenance Service
  53. Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
  54. Required Information for Inquiries
  55. A.1 Message Format
  56. A.1.2 Syslog
  57. A.1.3 SNMP
  58. A.1.4 Host Sense
  59. A.2 Message List
  60. A.2.2 Error Messages
  61. A.2.3 Warning Messages
  62. A.2.4 Informational Messages
  63. A.2.5 Test Messages
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. about this manual
  2. additional information
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Chapter 1 Components
  8. Rear
  9. Components (Front)
  10. Figure 1.10 Drive slot numbers (3.5" type controller enclosure)
  11. Components (Rear)
  12. Figure 1.12 Host interface adapter (FC, iSCSI 10Gbit/s, FCoE)
  13. Figure 1.14 Host interface adapter (SAS)
  14. Figure 1.15 Power supply unit
  15. Drive Enclosures
  16. Figure 1.18 Rear view of a drive enclosure (single-IOM type)
  17. Figure 1.20 LEDs on the front side of the drive enclosure
  18. Figure 1.22 Drive slot numbers (2.5" type drive enclosure)
  19. Figure 1.25 I/O module
  20. Figure 1.26 Power supply unit
  21. Power Distribution Units (For Regions other than EMEA&I)
  22. Power Distribution Units (2U)
  23. Chapter 2 Basic Operation
  24. Figure 2.2 ON position (marked "|") of the main line switches on a 2U power distribution unit
  25. Switching On and Off the PSU Switch on the Power Supply Unit
  26. Powering On
  27. Powering Off
  28. Using the FUNCTION Button
  29. Chapter 3 Setup
  30. Thin Provisioning Setup
  31. Eco-mode
  32. Data Management
  33. RAID Migration
  34. Logical Device Expansion (LDE)
  35. Chapter 4 Operations
  36. Monitoring ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Status
  37. LED Status Check
  38. Event Notification
  39. Chapter 5 Installing Optional Products
  40. Installation Rules for Drives
  41. Installable Drives
  42. Additional Drive Installation Procedure
  43. Installing Drive Enclosures
  44. Drive Enclosure Handling Instructions
  45. Drive Enclosure Rack Installation Procedure
  46. Additional Drive Enclosure Installation
  47. Installing Host Interfaces
  48. Installable Host Interfaces
  49. Chapter 6 Maintenance
  50. Rebuild/Copyback Process Time
  51. Maintenance Service
  52. Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
  53. Required Information for Inquiries
  54. A.1 Message Format
  55. A.1.2 Syslog
  56. A.1.3 SNMP
  57. A.1.4 Host Sense
  58. A.2 Message List
  59. A.2.2 Error Messages
  60. A.2.3 Warning Messages
  61. A.2.4 Informational Messages
  62. A.2.5 Test Messages
  63. A.2.6 Sense Codes
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. about this manual
  2. naming conventions
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Figure
  9. high reliability
  10. Chapter 2 Specifications
  11. ETERNUS DX90 S2 Specifications
  12. Function Specifications
  13. Supported OSes
  14. Table 2.5 Supported servers and OSes (iSCSI interface)
  15. Table 2.6 Supported servers and OSes (FCoE interface)
  16. Table 2.7 Supported servers and OSes (SAS interface)
  17. Chapter 3 Connection Configurations
  18. Remote Connections (SAN/WAN)
  19. Power Synchronization
  20. Chapter 4 System Configuration
  21. Table 4.1 User capacity for each RAID level
  22. RAID Groups
  23. Volumes
  24. Table 4.4 Volumes that can be created
  25. Drives
  26. Table 4.5 Drive characteristics
  27. User Capacity of Drives
  28. Drive Installation
  29. Hot Spares
  30. Hot Spare Types
  31. Chapter 5 Basic Functions
  32. Disk Patrol
  33. Redundant Copy
  34. Rebuild/Copyback
  35. Security
  36. User Authentication
  37. Host Affinity
  38. Data Encryption
  39. Table 5.3 Data encryption function specifications
  40. Key Management Server Linkage
  41. Audit Log
  42. RAID Migration
  43. Logical Device Expansion
  44. LUN Concatenation
  45. Wide Striping
  46. Environmental Burden Reduction
  47. Power Consumption Visualization
  48. Event Notification
  49. Performance Information Management
  50. Assigned CMs
  51. Connection Operation Mode
  52. Device Time Synchronization
  53. Remote Power Operation (Wake On LAN)
  54. Data Migration
  55. Chapter 6 Optional Functions
  56. Flexible Tier (Automatic Storage Layering)
  57. Backup (Advanced Copy)
  58. Table 6.1 Controlling software
  59. Table 6.2 List of functions (copy methods)
  60. Local Copy
  61. Remote Copy
  62. Table 6.3 REC data transfer mode
  63. Available Advanced Copy Combinations
  64. Figure 6.11 Cascade copy (using three copy sessions)
  65. Oracle VM Linkage
  66. Figure 7.1 Oracle VM linkage
  67. VMware Linkage
  68. Microsoft Linkage
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. about this manual
  2. additional information
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Chapter 1 Components
  8. Rear
  9. Components (Front)
  10. Figure 1.7 2.5" drive
  11. Components (Rear)
  12. Figure 1.12 Host interface (FC, iSCSI 10Gbit/s, FCoE (for FC cable connection))
  13. Figure 1.13 Host interface (iSCSI 10Gbit/s, FCoE (for Copper Twinax cable connection))
  14. Figure 1.15 Host interface (SAS)
  15. Drive Enclosures
  16. Figure 1.19 Rear view of a drive enclosure (single-IOM type)
  17. Figure 1.21 LEDs on the front side of the drive enclosure
  18. Figure 1.23 Drive slot numbers (2.5" type drive enclosure)
  19. Figure 1.26 I/O module
  20. Figure 1.27 Power supply unit
  21. Power Distribution Units (for Regions other than EMEA&I)
  22. Power Distribution Units (2U)
  23. Figure 1.30 Power distribution unit for DX80 S2/DX90 S2 (AC200-240V, 2U, Max 8 enclosures connection)
  24. Chapter 2 Basic Operation
  25. Figure 2.2 ON position (marked "|") of the main line switches on a 2U power distribution unit
  26. Figure 2.4 OFF position (marked "O") of the main line switches on a 2U power distribution unit
  27. Switching On and Off the PSU Switch on the Power Supply Unit
  28. Powering On
  29. Powering Off
  30. Using the FUNCTION Button
  31. Chapter 3 Setup
  32. Thin Provisioning Setup
  33. Flexible Tier (Auto Storage Layering) Setup
  34. Flexible Tier Setup
  35. Storage Migration
  36. Data Encryption
  37. Key Management Server Linkage
  38. Eco-mode
  39. Optimizing Volume Configurations
  40. RAID Migration
  41. Logical Device Expansion (LDE)
  42. LUN Concatenation
  43. Wide Striping
  44. Chapter 4 Operations
  45. Figure 4.1 LAN control (switching of the Master CM)
  46. Monitoring ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Status
  47. Displaying Status via ETERNUS Web GUI
  48. Event Notification
  49. Audit Log
  50. Chapter 5 Maintaining Optional Products
  51. Installation Rules for Drives
  52. Drive Handling Instructions
  53. Additional Drive Installation Procedure
  54. Installing Drive Enclosures
  55. Additional Drive Enclosure Installation
  56. Installing Host Interfaces
  57. Installable Host Interfaces
  58. Installing Long Wave SFP+ Modules (16Gbit/s)
  59. Installable Long Wave SFP+ Modules (16Gbit/s)
  60. Long Wave SFP+ Modules (16Gbit/s) Installation Procedure
  61. Periodic Backup
  62. Rebuild/Copyback Process Time
  63. Maintenance Service
  64. Check List
  65. Required Information for Inquiries
  66. A.1 Message Format
  67. A.1.2 Syslog
  68. A.1.3 SNMP
  69. A.1.4 Host Sense
  70. A.2 Message List
  71. A.2.2 Error Messages
  72. A.2.3 Warning Messages
  73. A.2.4 Informational Messages
  74. A.2.5 Test Messages
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. about this manual
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Chapter 1 Hardware Configurations
  8. Figure 1.2 Rear view of a 2.5" type controller enclosure (single-controller type)
  9. Figure 1.4 Top view of a 2.5" type controller enclosure
  10. Figure 1.7 Rear view of a 3.5" type controller enclosure (single-controller type)
  11. Controllers
  12. Table 1.1 Host interface specifications
  13. Power Supply Units
  14. Drive Enclosures
  15. Figure 1.13 Rear view of a drive enclosure (dual-IOM type)
  16. Figure 1.16 Front view of a 3.5" type drive enclosure
  17. I/O Modules
  18. Enclosure Connection Path
  19. Drives
  20. Power Distribution Units (Only for Regions Other than EMEA&I)
  21. Figure 1.24 Power distribution unit (AC200-240V, 2U, Max 6 enclosures connection)
  22. Figure 1.25 Power distribution unit (AC200-240V, 2U, Max 8 enclosures connection)
  23. Chapter 2 ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Installation
  24. ETERNUS DX90 S2
  25. Storage System Dimensions
  26. Figure 2.2 3.5" type controller enclosure dimensions
  27. Drive Enclosure Dimensions
  28. Figure 2.4 3.5" type drive enclosure dimensions
  29. Package Size
  30. Installation Area
  31. Earthquake Resistance
  32. Specifications for Optional Power Supply Products
  33. Required Number of Outlets/Sockets
  34. Circuit Protectors
  35. Figure 2.8 Breaking characteristics of distribution board circuit protectors
  36. Figure 2.9 Example of a power supply connection using a power distribution unit (1U)
  37. Figure 2.10 Example of a power supply connection using a power distribution unit (2U)
  38. Figure 2.11 Example of a power supply connection without power distribution units
  39. Chapter 3 Connections
  40. Host Connection Path
  41. Figure 3.2 Single path connection (switch connection)
  42. Figure 3.4 Multipath connection (switch connection)
  43. Figure 3.5 Connection that satisfies the system requirements (for availability)
  44. Remote Connections
  45. Remote Interfaces
  46. Connectable Models
  47. LAN Connection
  48. Power Supply Connection
  49. Input Power Supply Lines
  50. Figure 3.16 Single-line power supply when connecting to a UPS unit
  51. UPS Connection
  52. Power Synchronized Connections
  53. Figure 3.18 Power control using a power synchronized unit (when connecting one or two servers)
  54. Figure 3.19 Power control using a power synchronized unit (when connecting three or more servers)
  55. Chapter 4 Rack and Optional Product Installation
  56. Cable Connection
  57. Figure 4.2 QSFP cable connection (single-controller type)
  58. Installable Racks
  59. Non-Fujitsu Racks
  60. Standard Installation Rules Before Shipment (Only for Regions Other than EMEA&I)
  61. Host Interfaces
  62. Figure 4.6 Installation diagram for host interfaces (dual-controller type)
  63. Table 4.6 Priority order of 2.5" drive installation
  64. Figure 4.7 Installation diagram for 2.5" drives
  65. Table 4.7 Priority order of 3.5" drive installation
  66. Figure 4.8 Installation diagram for 3.5" drives
  67. Drive Installation Examples
  68. Figure 4.10 Drive installation example at shipment (3.5" type controller enclosure)
Eternus DX80 S2 first page preview

Eternus DX80 S2

Brand: Fujitsu | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. about this manual
  2. additional information
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Chapter 1 Preparation
  7. Connection to LAN for Operation Management
  8. Figure 1.2 LAN control (when the IP address of the Slave CM is set)
  9. Figure 1.3 Connection example without a dedicated remote support port
  10. Figure 1.4 Connection example with a dedicated remote support port
  11. Table 1.2 LAN port availability
  12. Setup Preparation
  13. Chapter 2 Components
  14. Rear
  15. Components (Front)
  16. Figure 2.7 2.5" drive
  17. Components (Rear)
  18. Figure 2.12 Host interface (FC, iSCSI 10Gbit/s, FCoE (for FC cable connection))
  19. Figure 2.13 Host interface (iSCSI 10Gbit/s, FCoE (for Copper Twinax cable connection))
  20. Figure 2.15 Host interface (SAS)
  21. Figure 2.16 Power supply unit
  22. Drive Enclosures
  23. Figure 2.19 Rear view of a drive enclosure (single-IOM type)
  24. Figure 2.21 LEDs on the front side of the drive enclosure
  25. Figure 2.23 Drive slot numbers (2.5" type drive enclosure)
  26. Figure 2.26 I/O module
  27. Figure 2.27 Power supply unit
  28. Power Distribution Units (For Regions other than EMEA&I)
  29. Power Distribution Units (2U)
  30. Figure 2.30 Power distribution unit for DX80 S2/DX90 S2 (AC200-240V, 2U, Max 8 enclosures connection)
  31. Chapter 3 Rack Installation
  32. Installing Power Distribution Unit (For Regions other than EMEA&I)
  33. Installing Power Distribution Unit (2U)
  34. Installing Controller Enclosure
  35. Installing Drive Enclosure
  36. Chapter 4 Connecting Cables
  37. Host Interface Connection
  38. Copper Twinax Cable Connection (For iSCSI 10Gbit/s and FCoE)
  39. LAN Cable Connection (For iSCSI 1Gbit/s)
  40. MiniSAS Cable Connection (For SAS)
  41. Drive Enclosure Connection
  42. Power Synchronized Unit Connection
  43. When 1U Power Distribution Unit is Installed (For Regions other than EMEA&I)
  44. When 2U Power Distribution Unit is Installed (For Regions other than EMEA&I)
  45. Chapter 5 Setup
  46. Powering On
  47. ETERNUS Web GUI Startup
  48. Initial Setup
  49. RAID Configuration Settings
  50. Host Affinity Settings
  51. ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Monitoring Setup
  52. E-mail Setup
  53. Syslog Setup
  54. SNMP Trap Setup
  55. Remote Support Setup
  56. Figure 5.2 Overview of the AIS Connect function
  57. Figure 5.3 Security features
  58. Audit Log Setup
  59. Power Control Setup
  60. Connection Setup for the ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System and Power Synchronized Units
  61. System Status Check
  62. Powering Off after Completion of the Setup Procedure
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