
Siemens Brodersen MC55 manuals

Brodersen MC55 first page preview

Brodersen MC55

Brand: Siemens | Category: Modem
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Introduction
  11. Related documents
  12. Document conventions
  13. Superscript notation for parameters and values
  14. AT Command Syntax
  15. Combining AT commands on the same command line
  16. Supported character sets
  17. Table 1.5: Examples for character definitions depending on alphabet
  18. GSM alphabet tables and UCS2 character values
  19. Figure 1.2: Extension character table of GSM 03.38 alphabet
  20. UCS2 and GSM data coding and conversion for SMS text mode
  21. Implementing input of Terminal data to SIM (direction TE to TA)
  22. Serial Interface Flow Control
  23. Unsolicited Result Code Presentation
  24. Common PCN Handset Specification (CPHS)
  25. Errors and Messages
  26. Configuration Commands
  27. AT&V Display current configuration
  28. AT&V responses
  29. AT&W Stores current configuration to user defined profile
  30. ATQ Set result code presentation mode
  31. ATV Set result code format mode
  32. ATX Set CONNECT result code format and call monitoring
  33. ATZ Set all current parameters to user defined profile
  34. AT+CFUN Set phone functionality
  35. parameter description
  36. Wake up the ME from SLEEP mode
  37. AT^SMSO Switch off mobile station
  38. AT+GCAP Request complete TA capabilities list
  39. AT+CMEE Mobile Equipment Error Message Format
  40. CME/CMS Error Code Overview
  41. Table 2.5: General "CME ERROR" Codes (SIEMENS)
  42. AT+CSCS Select TE character set
  43. AT^SCFG Extended Configuration Settings
  44. AT^SM20 Set M20 compatibility mode
  45. Status Control Commands
  46. AT+CIND Indicator control
  47. AT^SIND Extended Indicator Control
  48. AT+CEER Extended Error Report
  49. Cause Location ID for the extended error report
  50. GSM release cause for L3 Radio Resource (RR)
  51. GSM release cause for Mobility Management (MM) or Session Management (SM)
  52. SIEMENS release cause for L3 Mobility Management (MM)
  53. SIEMENS release cause for L3 Call Control (CC)
  54. SIEMENS release cause for Call-related Supplementary Services (CRSS)
  55. SIEMENS release cause for Session Management (SM)
  56. ATS18 Extended call release report
  57. AT+CPAS Mobile equipment activity status
  58. AT+WS46 Select wireless network
  59. Serial Interface Control Commands
  60. AT&C Set Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Line mode
  61. AT&D Set circuit Data Terminal Ready (DTR) function mode
  62. AT&S Set circuit Data Set Ready (DSR) function mode
  63. ATE Enable command echo
  64. AT+ILRR Set TE-TA local rate reporting
  65. AT+IPR Set fixed local rate
  66. Autobauding
  67. AT+CMUX Enter multiplex mode
  68. Restrictions on Multiplex mode
  69. Table 4.2: Summary of AT commands with Different Behavior in Multiplex Mode
  70. Second serial interface ASC1
  71. Security Commands
  72. What to do if PIN or password authentication fails
  73. AT+CPIN2 PIN2 Authentication
  74. AT^SPIC Display PIN counter
  75. AT+CLCK Facility lock
  76. AT^SLCK Facility lock
  77. AT+CPWD Change Password
  78. AT^SPWD Change Password
  79. Identification Commands
  80. AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification
  81. AT+CGMM Request model identification
  82. AT+CGMR Request revision identification of software status
  83. AT+CGSN Request International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)
  84. AT+CIMI Request International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)
  85. Call related Commands
  86. ATA Answer a call
  87. ATD Mobile originated call to specified number
  88. ATD><mem><n> Mobile originated call using specific memory and index number
  89. ATD><n> Mobile originated call from active memory using index number
  90. ATDI Mobile originated call to ISDN number
  91. ATDL Redial last number used
  92. ATH Disconnect existing connection
  93. AT+CHUP Hang up call
  94. ATS0 Set number of rings before automatically answering a call
  95. ATS6 Set pause before blind dialing
  96. ATS7 Set number of seconds to wait for connection completion
  97. ATS8 Set number of seconds to wait for comma dialing modifier
  98. ATS10 Set disconnect delay after indicating the absence of data carrier
  99. ATO Switch from command mode to data mode / PPP online mode
  100. Switch from data mode to command mode
  101. AT+CBST Select bearer service type
  102. AT+CRLP Select radio link protocol parameters for originated non-transparent data calls
  103. AT+CLCC List current calls of ME
  104. AT^SLCC Siemens defined command to list current calls of ME
  105. AT+CR Service reporting control
  106. AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for incoming call indication
  107. AT+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme
  108. AT^SCNI List Call Number Information
  109. AT^SLCD Display Last Call Duration
  110. AT^STCD Display Total Call Duration
  111. ATP Select pulse dialing
  112. Network Service Commands
  113. AT+COPS Operator Selection
  114. AT^SOPS Extended Operator Selection
  115. AT+CREG Network registration
  116. AT+CSQ Signal quality
  117. AT^SMONC Cell Monitoring
  118. AT^SMOND Cell Monitoring
  119. AT^MONI Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode
  120. AT^MONI responses
  121. Service states
  122. AT^MONP Monitor neighbour cells
  123. AT^MONP responses
  124. AT^SMONG GPRS Monitor
  125. AT^SMONG Cell Info Table
  126. AT^SALS Alternate Line Service
  127. AT^SHOM Display Homezone
  128. AT^SPLM Read the PLMN list
  129. AT+CPOL Preferred Operator List
  130. AT^SPLR Read entry from the preferred operators list
  131. AT^SPLW Write an entry to the preferred operators list
  132. Supplementary Service Commands
  133. AT^SACM Advice of charge and query of ACM and ACMmax
  134. AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum (ACMmax) set or query
  135. AT+CAOC Advice of Charge information
  136. AT+CCUG Closed User Group
  137. AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions control
  138. AT+CCWA Call Waiting
  139. AT+CHLD Call Hold and Multiparty
  140. AT+CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation
  141. AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
  142. AT+COLP Connected Line Identification Presentation
  143. AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table
  144. AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications
  145. AT+CUSD Supplementary service notifications
  146. Internet Service Commands
  147. AT^SICS Internet Connection Setup Profile
  148. Example: Default values of a CSD connection profile
  149. Example: GPRS connection profile
  150. AT^SICI Internet Connection Information
  151. Checking Connection Profile Status
  152. AT^SISS Internet Service Setup Profile
  153. AT^SISI Internet Service Information
  154. AT^SISO Internet Service Open
  155. Example: Accepting / Rejecting Socket Connection Request from Remote Client
  156. AT^SISC Internet Service Close
  157. AT^SISR Internet Service Read Data
  158. Example: Socket Host Reads Small Amounts of UDP Data Packets (URC Mode)
  159. AT^SISW Internet Service Write Data
  160. Usage of parameter <eodFlag
  161. AT^SISE Internet Service Error Report
  162. Internet Service URC "^SIS
  163. Information Elements Related to the Service Application
  164. Information Elements Related to FTP Service
  165. Information Elements Related to HTTP Service
  166. Examples of how to Configure and Use Internet Service Profiles
  167. Configuring Socket Client for Calling a Socket Listener on Another Host
  168. Socket client sends data via TCP connection with URCs
  169. Configuring and Using FTP Upload (URC Mode)
  170. Sending Email (URC Mode)
  171. Sending Email (Polling Mode)
  172. Configuring POP3 Service Profile
  173. Retrieving Email (Polling Mode)
  174. HTTP POST (Polling Mode)
  175. HTTP GET (Polling Mode)
  176. GPRS Commands
  177. AT+CGANS Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
  178. AT+CGATT GPRS attach or detach
  179. AT+CGAUTO Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
  180. AT+CGEREP GPRS event reporting
  181. AT+CGDATA Enter data state
  182. Automatic deactivation of PDP context during dial-up PPP
  183. AT+CGDCONT Define PDP Context
  184. AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
  185. AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable)
  186. AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile (Requested)
  187. AT+CGREG GPRS Network Registration Status
  188. AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
  189. AT^SGAUTH Set type of authentication for PPP connection
  190. AT^SGCONF Configuration of GPRS related Parameters
  191. ATA Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
  192. ATD*99# Request GPRS service
  193. ATD*98# Request GPRS IP service
  194. ATH Manual rejection of a network request for PDP context activation
  195. ATS0 Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
  196. Using GPRS AT commands (Examples)
  197. Using the GPRS dial command ATD
  198. FAX Commands
  199. Summary of Fax Class 2 URCs defined by EIA PN-2388
  200. AT+FBADLIN Bad Line Threshold
  201. AT+FBADMUL Error Threshold Multiplier
  202. AT+FBOR Query data Bit Order
  203. AT+FCIG Query or set the Local Polling ID
  204. AT+FCLASS Fax: Select, read or test service class
  205. AT+FCQ Copy Quality Checking
  206. AT+FCR Capability to Receive
  207. AT+FDCC Query or set capabilities
  208. AT+FDFFC Data Compression Format Conversion
  209. AT+FDIS Query or set session parameters
  210. AT+FDR Begin or continue phase C Data Reception
  211. AT+FDT Data Transmission
  212. AT+FET End a page or document
  213. AT+FK Kill operation, orderly FAX abort
  214. AT+FLID Query or set the Local Id setting capabilities
  215. AT+FMDL Identify Product Model
  216. AT+FMFR Request Manufacturer Identification
  217. AT+FOPT Set bit Order independently
  218. AT+FPHCTO DTE Phase C Response Timeout
  219. AT+FREV Identify Product Revision
  220. AT+FRH Receive Data Using HDLC Framing
  221. AT+FRM Receive Data
  222. AT+FRS Receive Silence
  223. AT+FTH Transmit Data Using HDLC Framing
  224. AT+FTM Transmit Data
  225. AT+FTS Stop Transmission and Wait
  226. AT+FVRFC Vertical Resolution Format Conversion
  227. Short Message Service (SMS) Commands
  228. AT+CMGC Send an SMS command
  229. AT+CMGD Delete short message
  230. AT+CMGF Select SMS message format
  231. AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store
  232. AT+CMGR Read SMS messages
  233. AT+CMGS Send Short Message
  234. AT+CMGW Write Short Messages to Memory
  235. AT+CMSS Send short messages from storage
  236. AT+CNMA New Message Acknowledgement to ME/TE, only phase 2
  237. AT+CNMI New short Message Indication
  238. AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage
  239. AT+CSCA SMS Service Center Address
  240. AT+CSCB Select Cell Broadcast Message Indication
  241. AT+CSDH Show SMS text mode parameters
  242. AT+CSMP Set SMS text Mode Parameters
  243. AT+CSMS Select Message Service
  244. AT^SLMS List SMS Memory Storage
  245. AT^SMGL List Short Messages from preferred store without setting status to REC READ
  246. AT^SMGO Set or query SMS overflow presentation mode or query SMS overflow
  247. AT^SMGR Read short message without setting status to REC READ
  248. AT^SSCONF SMS Command Configuration
  249. AT^SSDA Set SMS Display Availability
  250. AT^SSMSS Set Short Message Storage Sequence
  251. SIM related Commands
  252. AT^SXSM Extended SIM Access
  253. AT^SCKS Query SIM and Chip Card Holder Status
  254. AT^SCID Display SIM card identification number
  255. AT+CXXCID Display card ID
  256. SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Commands
  257. SSTN SAT Notification
  258. AT^SSTGI SAT Get Information
  259. AT^SSTR SAT Response
  260. Phonebook Commands
  261. AT+CPBR Read from Phonebook
  262. AT+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage
  263. AT+CPBW Write into Phonebook
  264. AT^SPBC Find first matching entry in sorted phonebook
  265. AT^SPBD Purge phonebook memory storage
  266. AT^SPBG Display phonebook entries in alphabetical order
  267. AT^SPBS Step through the selected phonebook alphabetically
  268. AT+CNUM Read own numbers
  269. AT^SDLD Delete the 'last number redial' memory
  270. Audio Commands
  271. ATL Set monitor speaker loudness
  272. AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
  273. AT+CMUT Mute control
  274. AT+VTD Tone duration
  275. AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
  276. AT^SAIC Audio Interface Configuration
  277. AT^SNFA Set or query of microphone attenuation
  278. AT^SNFD Set audio parameters to manufacturer default values
  279. AT^SNFI Set microphone path parameters
  280. AT^SNFM Set microphone audio path and power supply
  281. AT^SNFO Set audio output (= loudspeaker path) parameter
  282. AT^SNFPT Set progress tones
  283. AT^SNFS Select audio hardware set
  284. AT^SNFTTY Signal TTY/CTM audio mode capability
  285. AT^SNFV Set loudspeaker volume
  286. AT^SNFW Write audio setting in non-volatile store
  287. AT^SRTC Ring tone configuration
  288. Hardware related Commands
  289. AT+CALA Set alarm time
  290. AT^SBC Battery Charge Control
  291. Responses returned by read command
  292. AT^SBV Battery/Supply Voltage
  293. AT^SCTM Set critical operating temperature presentation mode or query temperature
  294. AT^SSYNC Configure SYNC Pin
  295. ME status indicated by status LED patterns
  296. Miscellaneous Commands
  297. ATS3 Set command line termination character
  298. ATS4 Set response formatting character
  299. ATS5 Write command line editing character
  300. Appendix
  301. Star-Hash (*#) Network Commands
  302. Table 20.3: Star-Hash Command Response Parameters
  303. Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN
  304. Availability of AT Commands Depending on Operating Mode of ME
  305. AT Command Settings storable with AT&W
  306. Table 20.8: Settings Stored to User Profile on ASC1 / MUX Channels 2 and 3
  307. Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F
  308. Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC)
  309. Alphabetical List of AT Commands
Brodersen MC55 first page preview

Brodersen MC55

Brand: Siemens | Category: Accessories
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. list of figures
  11. Introduction
  12. Related documents
  13. Document conventions
  14. Superscript notation for parameters and values
  15. AT command syntax
  16. Combining AT commands on the same command line
  17. Supported character sets
  18. GSM alphabet tables and UCS2 character values
  19. UCS2 and GSM data coding and conversion for SMS text mode
  20. Implementing input of Terminal data to SIM (direction TE to ME)
  21. Flow Control
  22. Unsolicited Result Code Presentation
  23. Common PCN Handset Specification (CPHS)
  24. Errors and Messages
  25. Configuration Commands
  26. AT&V Display current configuration
  27. Table 2.1: Current configuration on ASC0 / MUX channel 1 (example)
  28. AT&W Stores current configuration to user defined profile
  29. ATQ Set result code presentation mode
  30. ATV Set result code format mode
  31. ATX Set CONNECT result code format and call monitoring
  32. ATZ Set all current parameters to user defined profile
  33. AT+CFUN Set phone functionality
  34. Wake up the ME from SLEEP mode
  35. AT^SMSO Switch off mobile station
  36. AT+GCAP Request complete TA capabilities list
  37. AT+CMEE Report mobile equipment error
  38. Summary of CME ERRORS related to GSM 07.07
  39. Summary of GPRS-related CME ERRORS
  40. Summary of CMS ERRORS related to GSM 07.05
  41. AT+CSCS Select TE character set
  42. AT^SCFG Extended Configuration Setting
  43. parameter description
  44. AT^SM20 Set M20 compatibility mode
  45. Status Control Commands
  46. AT+CIND Indicator control
  47. AT^SIND Extended Indicator Control
  48. AT+CEER Extended error report
  49. Cause Location ID for the extended error report
  50. GSM release cause for L3 Radio Resource (RR)
  51. SIEMENS release cause for L3 Radio Resource (RR)
  52. SIEMENS release cause for L3 Mobility Management (MM)
  53. SIEMENS release cause for L3 Call Control (CC)
  54. SIEMENS release cause for L3 Advice of Charge (AOC)
  55. SIEMENS release cause for Call-related Supplementary Services (CRSS)
  56. SIEMENS release cause for Session Management (SM)
  57. GSM cause for L3 Protocol module or other local cause
  58. ATS18 Extended call release report
  59. AT+CPAS Mobile equipment activity status
  60. AT+WS46 Select wireless network
  61. Serial Interface Control Commands
  62. AT&C Set circuit Data Carrier Detect (DCD) function mode
  63. AT&D Set circuit Data Terminal Ready (DTR) function mode
  64. AT&S Set circuit Data Set Ready (DSR) function mode
  65. ATE Enable command echo
  66. AT+ILRR Set TE-TA local rate reporting
  67. AT+IPR Set fixed local rate
  68. Autobauding
  69. AT+CMUX Enter multiplex mode
  70. Restrictions on Multiplex mode
  71. Table 4.2: Summary of AT commands with Different Behavior in Multiplex Mode
  72. Second serial interface ASC1
  73. Security Commands
  74. What to do if PIN or password authentication fails
  75. AT+CPIN2 Enter PIN2
  76. AT^SPIC Display PIN counter
  77. AT+CLCK Facility lock
  78. AT^SLCK Facility lock
  79. AT+CPWD Change Password
  80. AT^SPWD Change Password
  81. Identification Commands
  82. AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification
  83. AT+GMI Request manufacturer identification
  84. AT+CGMM Request model identification
  85. AT+GMM Request TA model identification
  86. AT+CGMR Request revision identification of software status
  87. AT+GMR Request TA revision identification of software status
  88. AT+CGSN Request product serial number identification (IMEI) identical to GSN
  89. AT+GSN Request TA serial number identification (IMEI)
  90. AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity
  91. Call related Commands
  92. ATA Answer a call
  93. ATD Mobile originated call to dial a number
  94. ATD><mem><n> Originate call to phone number in memory
  95. ATD><n> Originate call to phone number selected from active memory
  96. ATDI Mobile originated call to dialable ISDN number <n
  97. ATDL Redial last telephone number used
  98. ATH Disconnect existing connection
  99. AT+CHUP Hang up call
  100. ATS0 Set number of rings before automatically answering the call
  101. ATS6 Set pause before blind dialing
  102. ATS7 Set number of seconds to wait for connection completion
  103. ATS8 Set number of seconds to wait for comma dialing modifier
  104. ATS10 Set disconnect delay after indicating the absence of data carrier
  105. ATP Select pulse dialing
  106. ATO Switch from command mode to data mode / PPP online mode
  107. Switch from data mode to command mode
  108. ATT Select tone dialing
  109. AT+CBST Select bearer service type
  110. AT+CRLP Select radio link protocol param. for orig. non-transparent data call
  111. AT+CLCC List current calls of ME
  112. AT^SLCC Siemens defined command to list the current calls of the ME
  113. AT+CR Service reporting control
  114. AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for incoming call indication
  115. AT+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme
  116. AT^SCNI List Call Number Information
  117. AT^SLCD Display Last Call Duration
  118. AT^STCD Display Total Call Duration
  119. Network Service Commands
  120. AT+COPS Operator selection
  121. AT+CREG Network registration
  122. AT+CSQ Signal quality
  123. AT^SMONC Cell Monitoring
  124. AT^MONI Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode
  125. AT^MONI responses
  126. Service states
  127. AT^MONP Monitor neighbour cells
  128. AT^MONP responses
  129. AT^SMONG GPRS Monitor
  130. AT^SMONG Cell Info Table
  131. AT^SALS Alternate Line Service
  132. AT^SHOM Display Homezone
  133. AT^SPLM Read the PLMN list
  134. AT^SPLR Read entry from the preferred operators list
  135. AT^SPLW Write an entry to the preferred operators list
  136. Supplementary Service Commands
  137. AT^SACM Advice of charge and query of ACM and ACMmax
  138. AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum (ACMmax) set or query
  139. AT+CAOC Advice of Charge information
  140. AT+CCUG Closed User Group
  141. AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions control
  142. AT+CCWA Call Waiting
  143. AT+CHLD Call Hold and Multiparty
  144. AT+CLIP Calling line identification presentation
  145. AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
  146. AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table
  147. AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications
  148. AT+CUSD Supplementary service notifications
  149. GPRS Commands
  150. AT+CGANS Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
  151. AT+CGATT GPRS attach or detach
  152. AT+CGAUTO Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
  153. AT+CGDATA Enter data state
  154. AT+CGDCONT Define PDP Context
  155. AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
  156. AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable)
  157. AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile (Requested)
  158. AT+CGREG GPRS network registration status
  159. AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
  160. AT^SGAUTH Set type of authentication for PPP connection
  161. AT^SGCONF Configuration of GPRS related Parameters
  162. ATA Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
  163. ATD*99# Request GPRS service
  164. ATD*98# Request GPRS IP service
  165. ATH Manual rejection of a network request for PDP context activation
  166. ATS0 Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
  167. Using GPRS AT commands (Examples)
  168. Using the GPRS dial command ATD
  169. FAX Commands
  170. AT+FBADLIN Bad Line Threshold
  171. AT+FBADMUL Error Threshold Multiplier
  172. AT+FBOR Query data bit order
  173. AT+FCIG Query or set the Local Polling ID
  174. AT+FCLASS Fax: Select, read or test service class
  175. AT+FCQ Copy Quality Checking
  176. AT+FCR Capability to receive
  177. AT+FDCC Query or set capabilities
  178. AT+FDFFC Data Compression Format Conversion
  179. AT+FDIS Query or set session parameters
  180. AT+FDR Begin or continue phase C data reception
  181. AT+FDT Data Transmission
  182. AT+FET End a page or document
  183. AT+FK Kill operation, orderly FAX abort
  184. AT+FLID Query or set the Local Id setting capabilities
  185. AT+FMDL Identify Product Model
  186. AT+FMFR Request Manufacturer Identification
  187. AT+FOPT Set bit order independently
  188. AT+FPHCTO DTE Phase C Response Timeout
  189. AT+FREV Identify Product Revision
  190. AT+FRH Receive Data Using HDLC Framing
  191. AT+FRM Receive Data
  192. AT+FRS Receive Silence
  193. AT+FTH Transmit Data Using HDLC Framing
  194. AT+FTM Transmit Data
  195. AT+FTS Stop Transmission and Wait
  196. AT+FVRFC Vertical resolution format conversion
  197. Short Message Service (SMS) Commands
  198. AT+CMGC Send an SMS command
  199. AT+CMGD Delete SMS message
  200. AT+CMGF Select SMS message format
  201. AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store
  202. AT+CMGR Read SMS messages
  203. AT+CMGS Send SMS message
  204. AT+CMGW Write SMS messages to memory
  205. AT+CMSS Send SMS messages from storage
  206. AT+CNMA New SMS message acknowledge to ME/TE, only phase 2
  207. AT+CNMI New SMS message indications
  208. AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage
  209. AT+CSCA SMS service centre address
  210. AT+CSCB Select Cell Broadcast Message Indication
  211. AT+CSDH Show SMS text mode parameters
  212. AT+CSMP Set SMS text mode parameters
  213. AT+CSMS Select Message Service
  214. AT^SLMS List SMS Memory Storage
  215. AT^SMGL List SMS messages from preferred store without setting status to REC READ
  216. AT^SMGO Set or query SMS overflow presentation mode or query SMS overflow
  217. AT^SMGR Read SMS message without setting status to REC READ
  218. AT^SSCONF SMS Configuration
  219. AT^SSDA Set SMS Display Availability
  220. AT^SSMSS Set Short Message Storage Sequence
  221. SIM related Commands
  222. AT^SCKS Query SIM and Chip Card Holder Status
  223. AT^SCID Display SIM card identification number
  224. AT+CXXCID Display card ID
  225. SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Commands
  226. SSTN SAT Notification
  227. AT^SSTGI SAT Get Information
  228. AT^SSTR SAT Response
  229. Phonebook Commands
  230. AT+CPBR Read from Phonebook
  231. AT+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage
  232. AT+CPBW Write into Phonebook
  233. AT^SPBC Search the first entry in the sorted telephone book
  234. AT^SPBD Purge phonebook memory storage
  235. AT^SPBG Read current Phonebook entries
  236. AT^SPBS Step through the selected phonebook alphabetically
  237. AT^SDLD Delete the 'last number redial' memory
  238. Audio Commands
  239. ATL Set monitor speaker loudness
  240. ATM Set monitor speaker mode
  241. AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
  242. AT+CMUT Mute control
  243. AT+VTD Tone duration
  244. AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
  245. AT^SAIC Audio Interface Configuration
  246. AT^SNFA Set or query of microphone attenuation
  247. AT^SNFD Set audio parameters to manufacturer default values
  248. AT^SNFI Set microphone path parameters
  249. AT^SNFM Set microphone audio path and power supply
  250. AT^SNFO Set audio output (= loudspeaker path) parameter
  251. AT^SNFPT Set progress tones
  252. AT^SNFS Select audio hardware set
  253. AT^SNFTTY Switch audio path to TTY/CTM mode
  254. AT^SNFV Set loudspeaker volume
  255. AT^SNFW Write audio setting in non-volatile store
  256. AT^SRTC Ring tone configuration
  257. Hardware related Commands
  258. Summary of AT commands available in Alarm mode
  259. AT+CCLK Real Time Clock
  260. AT^SBC Battery charging / discharging and charge control
  261. Summary of AT commands available in Charge-only and Alarm mode
  262. AT^SBV Battery/Supply Voltage
  263. AT^SCTM Set critical operating temperature presentation mode or query temperature
  264. AT^SSYNC Configure SYNC Pin
  265. ME status indicated by status LED patterns
  266. Miscellaneous Commands
  267. ATS3 Write command line termination character
  268. ATS4 Set response formatting character
  269. ATS5 Write command line editing character
  270. Appendix
  271. List of *# Codes
  272. Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN
  273. AT Command Settings storable with AT&W
  274. Table 19.5: Settings Stored to User Profile on ASC1 / MUX Channels 2 and 3
  275. Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F
  276. Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC)
  277. Alphabetical List of AT Commands
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