Siemens Brodersen MC55 manuals
Brodersen MC55
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Related documents
- Document conventions
- Superscript notation for parameters and values
- AT Command Syntax
- Combining AT commands on the same command line
- Supported character sets
- Table 1.5: Examples for character definitions depending on alphabet
- GSM alphabet tables and UCS2 character values
- Figure 1.2: Extension character table of GSM 03.38 alphabet
- UCS2 and GSM data coding and conversion for SMS text mode
- Implementing input of Terminal data to SIM (direction TE to TA)
- Serial Interface Flow Control
- Unsolicited Result Code Presentation
- Common PCN Handset Specification (CPHS)
- Errors and Messages
- Configuration Commands
- AT&V Display current configuration
- AT&V responses
- AT&W Stores current configuration to user defined profile
- ATQ Set result code presentation mode
- ATV Set result code format mode
- ATX Set CONNECT result code format and call monitoring
- ATZ Set all current parameters to user defined profile
- AT+CFUN Set phone functionality
- parameter description
- Wake up the ME from SLEEP mode
- AT^SMSO Switch off mobile station
- AT+GCAP Request complete TA capabilities list
- AT+CMEE Mobile Equipment Error Message Format
- CME/CMS Error Code Overview
- Table 2.5: General "CME ERROR" Codes (SIEMENS)
- AT+CSCS Select TE character set
- AT^SCFG Extended Configuration Settings
- AT^SM20 Set M20 compatibility mode
- Status Control Commands
- AT+CIND Indicator control
- AT^SIND Extended Indicator Control
- AT+CEER Extended Error Report
- Cause Location ID for the extended error report
- GSM release cause for L3 Radio Resource (RR)
- GSM release cause for Mobility Management (MM) or Session Management (SM)
- SIEMENS release cause for L3 Mobility Management (MM)
- SIEMENS release cause for L3 Call Control (CC)
- SIEMENS release cause for Call-related Supplementary Services (CRSS)
- SIEMENS release cause for Session Management (SM)
- ATS18 Extended call release report
- AT+CPAS Mobile equipment activity status
- AT+WS46 Select wireless network
- Serial Interface Control Commands
- AT&C Set Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Line mode
- AT&D Set circuit Data Terminal Ready (DTR) function mode
- AT&S Set circuit Data Set Ready (DSR) function mode
- ATE Enable command echo
- AT+ILRR Set TE-TA local rate reporting
- AT+IPR Set fixed local rate
- Autobauding
- AT+CMUX Enter multiplex mode
- Restrictions on Multiplex mode
- Table 4.2: Summary of AT commands with Different Behavior in Multiplex Mode
- Second serial interface ASC1
- Security Commands
- What to do if PIN or password authentication fails
- AT+CPIN2 PIN2 Authentication
- AT^SPIC Display PIN counter
- AT+CLCK Facility lock
- AT^SLCK Facility lock
- AT+CPWD Change Password
- AT^SPWD Change Password
- Identification Commands
- AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification
- AT+CGMM Request model identification
- AT+CGMR Request revision identification of software status
- AT+CGSN Request International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)
- AT+CIMI Request International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)
- Call related Commands
- ATA Answer a call
- ATD Mobile originated call to specified number
- ATD><mem><n> Mobile originated call using specific memory and index number
- ATD><n> Mobile originated call from active memory using index number
- ATDI Mobile originated call to ISDN number
- ATDL Redial last number used
- ATH Disconnect existing connection
- AT+CHUP Hang up call
- ATS0 Set number of rings before automatically answering a call
- ATS6 Set pause before blind dialing
- ATS7 Set number of seconds to wait for connection completion
- ATS8 Set number of seconds to wait for comma dialing modifier
- ATS10 Set disconnect delay after indicating the absence of data carrier
- ATO Switch from command mode to data mode / PPP online mode
- Switch from data mode to command mode
- AT+CBST Select bearer service type
- AT+CRLP Select radio link protocol parameters for originated non-transparent data calls
- AT+CLCC List current calls of ME
- AT^SLCC Siemens defined command to list current calls of ME
- AT+CR Service reporting control
- AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for incoming call indication
- AT+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme
- AT^SCNI List Call Number Information
- AT^SLCD Display Last Call Duration
- AT^STCD Display Total Call Duration
- ATP Select pulse dialing
- Network Service Commands
- AT+COPS Operator Selection
- AT^SOPS Extended Operator Selection
- AT+CREG Network registration
- AT+CSQ Signal quality
- AT^SMONC Cell Monitoring
- AT^SMOND Cell Monitoring
- AT^MONI Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode
- AT^MONI responses
- Service states
- AT^MONP Monitor neighbour cells
- AT^MONP responses
- AT^SMONG Cell Info Table
- AT^SALS Alternate Line Service
- AT^SHOM Display Homezone
- AT^SPLM Read the PLMN list
- AT+CPOL Preferred Operator List
- AT^SPLR Read entry from the preferred operators list
- AT^SPLW Write an entry to the preferred operators list
- Supplementary Service Commands
- AT^SACM Advice of charge and query of ACM and ACMmax
- AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum (ACMmax) set or query
- AT+CAOC Advice of Charge information
- AT+CCUG Closed User Group
- AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions control
- AT+CCWA Call Waiting
- AT+CHLD Call Hold and Multiparty
- AT+CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation
- AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
- AT+COLP Connected Line Identification Presentation
- AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table
- AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications
- AT+CUSD Supplementary service notifications
- Internet Service Commands
- AT^SICS Internet Connection Setup Profile
- Example: Default values of a CSD connection profile
- Example: GPRS connection profile
- AT^SICI Internet Connection Information
- Checking Connection Profile Status
- AT^SISS Internet Service Setup Profile
- AT^SISI Internet Service Information
- AT^SISO Internet Service Open
- Example: Accepting / Rejecting Socket Connection Request from Remote Client
- AT^SISC Internet Service Close
- AT^SISR Internet Service Read Data
- Example: Socket Host Reads Small Amounts of UDP Data Packets (URC Mode)
- AT^SISW Internet Service Write Data
- Usage of parameter <eodFlag
- AT^SISE Internet Service Error Report
- Internet Service URC "^SIS
- Information Elements Related to the Service Application
- Information Elements Related to FTP Service
- Information Elements Related to HTTP Service
- Examples of how to Configure and Use Internet Service Profiles
- Configuring Socket Client for Calling a Socket Listener on Another Host
- Socket client sends data via TCP connection with URCs
- Configuring and Using FTP Upload (URC Mode)
- Sending Email (URC Mode)
- Sending Email (Polling Mode)
- Configuring POP3 Service Profile
- Retrieving Email (Polling Mode)
- HTTP POST (Polling Mode)
- HTTP GET (Polling Mode)
- GPRS Commands
- AT+CGANS Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
- AT+CGATT GPRS attach or detach
- AT+CGAUTO Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
- AT+CGEREP GPRS event reporting
- AT+CGDATA Enter data state
- Automatic deactivation of PDP context during dial-up PPP
- AT+CGDCONT Define PDP Context
- AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
- AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable)
- AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile (Requested)
- AT+CGREG GPRS Network Registration Status
- AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
- AT^SGAUTH Set type of authentication for PPP connection
- AT^SGCONF Configuration of GPRS related Parameters
- ATA Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
- ATD*99# Request GPRS service
- ATD*98# Request GPRS IP service
- ATH Manual rejection of a network request for PDP context activation
- ATS0 Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
- Using GPRS AT commands (Examples)
- Using the GPRS dial command ATD
- FAX Commands
- Summary of Fax Class 2 URCs defined by EIA PN-2388
- AT+FBADLIN Bad Line Threshold
- AT+FBADMUL Error Threshold Multiplier
- AT+FBOR Query data Bit Order
- AT+FCIG Query or set the Local Polling ID
- AT+FCLASS Fax: Select, read or test service class
- AT+FCQ Copy Quality Checking
- AT+FCR Capability to Receive
- AT+FDCC Query or set capabilities
- AT+FDFFC Data Compression Format Conversion
- AT+FDIS Query or set session parameters
- AT+FDR Begin or continue phase C Data Reception
- AT+FDT Data Transmission
- AT+FET End a page or document
- AT+FK Kill operation, orderly FAX abort
- AT+FLID Query or set the Local Id setting capabilities
- AT+FMDL Identify Product Model
- AT+FMFR Request Manufacturer Identification
- AT+FOPT Set bit Order independently
- AT+FPHCTO DTE Phase C Response Timeout
- AT+FREV Identify Product Revision
- AT+FRH Receive Data Using HDLC Framing
- AT+FRM Receive Data
- AT+FRS Receive Silence
- AT+FTH Transmit Data Using HDLC Framing
- AT+FTM Transmit Data
- AT+FTS Stop Transmission and Wait
- AT+FVRFC Vertical Resolution Format Conversion
- Short Message Service (SMS) Commands
- AT+CMGC Send an SMS command
- AT+CMGD Delete short message
- AT+CMGF Select SMS message format
- AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store
- AT+CMGR Read SMS messages
- AT+CMGS Send Short Message
- AT+CMGW Write Short Messages to Memory
- AT+CMSS Send short messages from storage
- AT+CNMA New Message Acknowledgement to ME/TE, only phase 2
- AT+CNMI New short Message Indication
- AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage
- AT+CSCA SMS Service Center Address
- AT+CSCB Select Cell Broadcast Message Indication
- AT+CSDH Show SMS text mode parameters
- AT+CSMP Set SMS text Mode Parameters
- AT+CSMS Select Message Service
- AT^SLMS List SMS Memory Storage
- AT^SMGL List Short Messages from preferred store without setting status to REC READ
- AT^SMGO Set or query SMS overflow presentation mode or query SMS overflow
- AT^SMGR Read short message without setting status to REC READ
- AT^SSCONF SMS Command Configuration
- AT^SSDA Set SMS Display Availability
- AT^SSMSS Set Short Message Storage Sequence
- SIM related Commands
- AT^SXSM Extended SIM Access
- AT^SCKS Query SIM and Chip Card Holder Status
- AT^SCID Display SIM card identification number
- AT+CXXCID Display card ID
- SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Commands
- SSTN SAT Notification
- AT^SSTGI SAT Get Information
- AT^SSTR SAT Response
- Phonebook Commands
- AT+CPBR Read from Phonebook
- AT+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage
- AT+CPBW Write into Phonebook
- AT^SPBC Find first matching entry in sorted phonebook
- AT^SPBD Purge phonebook memory storage
- AT^SPBG Display phonebook entries in alphabetical order
- AT^SPBS Step through the selected phonebook alphabetically
- AT+CNUM Read own numbers
- AT^SDLD Delete the 'last number redial' memory
- Audio Commands
- ATL Set monitor speaker loudness
- AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
- AT+CMUT Mute control
- AT+VTD Tone duration
- AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
- AT^SAIC Audio Interface Configuration
- AT^SNFA Set or query of microphone attenuation
- AT^SNFD Set audio parameters to manufacturer default values
- AT^SNFI Set microphone path parameters
- AT^SNFM Set microphone audio path and power supply
- AT^SNFO Set audio output (= loudspeaker path) parameter
- AT^SNFPT Set progress tones
- AT^SNFS Select audio hardware set
- AT^SNFTTY Signal TTY/CTM audio mode capability
- AT^SNFV Set loudspeaker volume
- AT^SNFW Write audio setting in non-volatile store
- AT^SRTC Ring tone configuration
- Hardware related Commands
- AT+CALA Set alarm time
- AT^SBC Battery Charge Control
- Responses returned by read command
- AT^SBV Battery/Supply Voltage
- AT^SCTM Set critical operating temperature presentation mode or query temperature
- AT^SSYNC Configure SYNC Pin
- ME status indicated by status LED patterns
- Miscellaneous Commands
- ATS3 Set command line termination character
- ATS4 Set response formatting character
- ATS5 Write command line editing character
- Appendix
- Star-Hash (*#) Network Commands
- Table 20.3: Star-Hash Command Response Parameters
- Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN
- Availability of AT Commands Depending on Operating Mode of ME
- AT Command Settings storable with AT&W
- Table 20.8: Settings Stored to User Profile on ASC1 / MUX Channels 2 and 3
- Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F
- Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC)
- Alphabetical List of AT Commands
Brodersen MC55
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- list of figures
- Introduction
- Related documents
- Document conventions
- Superscript notation for parameters and values
- AT command syntax
- Combining AT commands on the same command line
- Supported character sets
- GSM alphabet tables and UCS2 character values
- UCS2 and GSM data coding and conversion for SMS text mode
- Implementing input of Terminal data to SIM (direction TE to ME)
- Flow Control
- Unsolicited Result Code Presentation
- Common PCN Handset Specification (CPHS)
- Errors and Messages
- Configuration Commands
- AT&V Display current configuration
- Table 2.1: Current configuration on ASC0 / MUX channel 1 (example)
- AT&W Stores current configuration to user defined profile
- ATQ Set result code presentation mode
- ATV Set result code format mode
- ATX Set CONNECT result code format and call monitoring
- ATZ Set all current parameters to user defined profile
- AT+CFUN Set phone functionality
- Wake up the ME from SLEEP mode
- AT^SMSO Switch off mobile station
- AT+GCAP Request complete TA capabilities list
- AT+CMEE Report mobile equipment error
- Summary of CME ERRORS related to GSM 07.07
- Summary of GPRS-related CME ERRORS
- Summary of CMS ERRORS related to GSM 07.05
- AT+CSCS Select TE character set
- AT^SCFG Extended Configuration Setting
- parameter description
- AT^SM20 Set M20 compatibility mode
- Status Control Commands
- AT+CIND Indicator control
- AT^SIND Extended Indicator Control
- AT+CEER Extended error report
- Cause Location ID for the extended error report
- GSM release cause for L3 Radio Resource (RR)
- SIEMENS release cause for L3 Radio Resource (RR)
- SIEMENS release cause for L3 Mobility Management (MM)
- SIEMENS release cause for L3 Call Control (CC)
- SIEMENS release cause for L3 Advice of Charge (AOC)
- SIEMENS release cause for Call-related Supplementary Services (CRSS)
- SIEMENS release cause for Session Management (SM)
- GSM cause for L3 Protocol module or other local cause
- ATS18 Extended call release report
- AT+CPAS Mobile equipment activity status
- AT+WS46 Select wireless network
- Serial Interface Control Commands
- AT&C Set circuit Data Carrier Detect (DCD) function mode
- AT&D Set circuit Data Terminal Ready (DTR) function mode
- AT&S Set circuit Data Set Ready (DSR) function mode
- ATE Enable command echo
- AT+ILRR Set TE-TA local rate reporting
- AT+IPR Set fixed local rate
- Autobauding
- AT+CMUX Enter multiplex mode
- Restrictions on Multiplex mode
- Table 4.2: Summary of AT commands with Different Behavior in Multiplex Mode
- Second serial interface ASC1
- Security Commands
- What to do if PIN or password authentication fails
- AT+CPIN2 Enter PIN2
- AT^SPIC Display PIN counter
- AT+CLCK Facility lock
- AT^SLCK Facility lock
- AT+CPWD Change Password
- AT^SPWD Change Password
- Identification Commands
- AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification
- AT+GMI Request manufacturer identification
- AT+CGMM Request model identification
- AT+GMM Request TA model identification
- AT+CGMR Request revision identification of software status
- AT+GMR Request TA revision identification of software status
- AT+CGSN Request product serial number identification (IMEI) identical to GSN
- AT+GSN Request TA serial number identification (IMEI)
- AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity
- Call related Commands
- ATA Answer a call
- ATD Mobile originated call to dial a number
- ATD><mem><n> Originate call to phone number in memory
- ATD><n> Originate call to phone number selected from active memory
- ATDI Mobile originated call to dialable ISDN number <n
- ATDL Redial last telephone number used
- ATH Disconnect existing connection
- AT+CHUP Hang up call
- ATS0 Set number of rings before automatically answering the call
- ATS6 Set pause before blind dialing
- ATS7 Set number of seconds to wait for connection completion
- ATS8 Set number of seconds to wait for comma dialing modifier
- ATS10 Set disconnect delay after indicating the absence of data carrier
- ATP Select pulse dialing
- ATO Switch from command mode to data mode / PPP online mode
- Switch from data mode to command mode
- ATT Select tone dialing
- AT+CBST Select bearer service type
- AT+CRLP Select radio link protocol param. for orig. non-transparent data call
- AT+CLCC List current calls of ME
- AT^SLCC Siemens defined command to list the current calls of the ME
- AT+CR Service reporting control
- AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for incoming call indication
- AT+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme
- AT^SCNI List Call Number Information
- AT^SLCD Display Last Call Duration
- AT^STCD Display Total Call Duration
- Network Service Commands
- AT+COPS Operator selection
- AT+CREG Network registration
- AT+CSQ Signal quality
- AT^SMONC Cell Monitoring
- AT^MONI Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode
- AT^MONI responses
- Service states
- AT^MONP Monitor neighbour cells
- AT^MONP responses
- AT^SMONG Cell Info Table
- AT^SALS Alternate Line Service
- AT^SHOM Display Homezone
- AT^SPLM Read the PLMN list
- AT^SPLR Read entry from the preferred operators list
- AT^SPLW Write an entry to the preferred operators list
- Supplementary Service Commands
- AT^SACM Advice of charge and query of ACM and ACMmax
- AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum (ACMmax) set or query
- AT+CAOC Advice of Charge information
- AT+CCUG Closed User Group
- AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions control
- AT+CCWA Call Waiting
- AT+CHLD Call Hold and Multiparty
- AT+CLIP Calling line identification presentation
- AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
- AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table
- AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications
- AT+CUSD Supplementary service notifications
- GPRS Commands
- AT+CGANS Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
- AT+CGATT GPRS attach or detach
- AT+CGAUTO Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
- AT+CGDATA Enter data state
- AT+CGDCONT Define PDP Context
- AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
- AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable)
- AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile (Requested)
- AT+CGREG GPRS network registration status
- AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
- AT^SGAUTH Set type of authentication for PPP connection
- AT^SGCONF Configuration of GPRS related Parameters
- ATA Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation
- ATD*99# Request GPRS service
- ATD*98# Request GPRS IP service
- ATH Manual rejection of a network request for PDP context activation
- ATS0 Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation
- Using GPRS AT commands (Examples)
- Using the GPRS dial command ATD
- FAX Commands
- AT+FBADLIN Bad Line Threshold
- AT+FBADMUL Error Threshold Multiplier
- AT+FBOR Query data bit order
- AT+FCIG Query or set the Local Polling ID
- AT+FCLASS Fax: Select, read or test service class
- AT+FCQ Copy Quality Checking
- AT+FCR Capability to receive
- AT+FDCC Query or set capabilities
- AT+FDFFC Data Compression Format Conversion
- AT+FDIS Query or set session parameters
- AT+FDR Begin or continue phase C data reception
- AT+FDT Data Transmission
- AT+FET End a page or document
- AT+FK Kill operation, orderly FAX abort
- AT+FLID Query or set the Local Id setting capabilities
- AT+FMDL Identify Product Model
- AT+FMFR Request Manufacturer Identification
- AT+FOPT Set bit order independently
- AT+FPHCTO DTE Phase C Response Timeout
- AT+FREV Identify Product Revision
- AT+FRH Receive Data Using HDLC Framing
- AT+FRM Receive Data
- AT+FRS Receive Silence
- AT+FTH Transmit Data Using HDLC Framing
- AT+FTM Transmit Data
- AT+FTS Stop Transmission and Wait
- AT+FVRFC Vertical resolution format conversion
- Short Message Service (SMS) Commands
- AT+CMGC Send an SMS command
- AT+CMGD Delete SMS message
- AT+CMGF Select SMS message format
- AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store
- AT+CMGR Read SMS messages
- AT+CMGS Send SMS message
- AT+CMGW Write SMS messages to memory
- AT+CMSS Send SMS messages from storage
- AT+CNMA New SMS message acknowledge to ME/TE, only phase 2
- AT+CNMI New SMS message indications
- AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage
- AT+CSCA SMS service centre address
- AT+CSCB Select Cell Broadcast Message Indication
- AT+CSDH Show SMS text mode parameters
- AT+CSMP Set SMS text mode parameters
- AT+CSMS Select Message Service
- AT^SLMS List SMS Memory Storage
- AT^SMGL List SMS messages from preferred store without setting status to REC READ
- AT^SMGO Set or query SMS overflow presentation mode or query SMS overflow
- AT^SMGR Read SMS message without setting status to REC READ
- AT^SSCONF SMS Configuration
- AT^SSDA Set SMS Display Availability
- AT^SSMSS Set Short Message Storage Sequence
- SIM related Commands
- AT^SCKS Query SIM and Chip Card Holder Status
- AT^SCID Display SIM card identification number
- AT+CXXCID Display card ID
- SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Commands
- SSTN SAT Notification
- AT^SSTGI SAT Get Information
- AT^SSTR SAT Response
- Phonebook Commands
- AT+CPBR Read from Phonebook
- AT+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage
- AT+CPBW Write into Phonebook
- AT^SPBC Search the first entry in the sorted telephone book
- AT^SPBD Purge phonebook memory storage
- AT^SPBG Read current Phonebook entries
- AT^SPBS Step through the selected phonebook alphabetically
- AT^SDLD Delete the 'last number redial' memory
- Audio Commands
- ATL Set monitor speaker loudness
- ATM Set monitor speaker mode
- AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
- AT+CMUT Mute control
- AT+VTD Tone duration
- AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
- AT^SAIC Audio Interface Configuration
- AT^SNFA Set or query of microphone attenuation
- AT^SNFD Set audio parameters to manufacturer default values
- AT^SNFI Set microphone path parameters
- AT^SNFM Set microphone audio path and power supply
- AT^SNFO Set audio output (= loudspeaker path) parameter
- AT^SNFPT Set progress tones
- AT^SNFS Select audio hardware set
- AT^SNFTTY Switch audio path to TTY/CTM mode
- AT^SNFV Set loudspeaker volume
- AT^SNFW Write audio setting in non-volatile store
- AT^SRTC Ring tone configuration
- Hardware related Commands
- Summary of AT commands available in Alarm mode
- AT+CCLK Real Time Clock
- AT^SBC Battery charging / discharging and charge control
- Summary of AT commands available in Charge-only and Alarm mode
- AT^SBV Battery/Supply Voltage
- AT^SCTM Set critical operating temperature presentation mode or query temperature
- AT^SSYNC Configure SYNC Pin
- ME status indicated by status LED patterns
- Miscellaneous Commands
- ATS3 Write command line termination character
- ATS4 Set response formatting character
- ATS5 Write command line editing character
- Appendix
- List of *# Codes
- Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN
- AT Command Settings storable with AT&W
- Table 19.5: Settings Stored to User Profile on ASC1 / MUX Channels 2 and 3
- Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F
- Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC)
- Alphabetical List of AT Commands