
Siemens Argus 7SR21 manuals

Argus 7SR21 first page preview

Argus 7SR21

Brand: Siemens | Category: Relays
Table of contents
Argus 7SR21 first page preview

Argus 7SR21

Brand: Siemens | Category: Relays
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. List of Tables
  5. Section 1: Introduction
  6. Figure 1-1 Functional Diagram of 7SR21 Relay
  7. Figure 1-2 Connections Diagram for 7SR21 Relay
  8. Figure 1-3 Functional Diagram of 7SR22 Relay
  9. Figure 1-4 Connection Diagram for 7SR22 Relay
  10. Section 2: Hardware Description
  11. Front Cover
  12. Current Inputs
  13. Binary Inputs
  14. Binary Outputs (Output Relays)
  15. Virtual Input/Outputs
  16. Section 3: Protection Functions
  17. Figure 3.1-1 Logic Diagram: Directional Overcurrent Element (67)
  18. Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection (50)
  19. Time Delayed Overcurrent Protection (51)
  20. Figure 3.1-3 Logic Diagram: Time Delayed Overcurrent Element
  21. Current Protection: Voltage Controlled Overcurrent (51V) – 7SR22
  22. Current Protection: Derived Earth Fault (67N, 51N, 50N)
  23. Instantaneous Derived Earth Fault Protection (50N)
  24. Time Delayed Derived Earth Fault Protection (51N)
  25. Figure 3.3-3 Logic Diagram: Derived Time Delayed Earth Fault Protection
  26. Current Protection: Measured Earth Fault (67G, 51G, 50G)
  27. Instantaneous Measured Earth Fault Protection (50G)
  28. Time Delayed Measured Earth Fault Protection (51G)
  29. Current Protection: Sensitive Earth Fault (67SEF, 51SEF, 50SEF)
  30. Instantaneous Sensitive Earth Fault Protection (50SEF)
  31. Figure 3.5-3 Logic Diagram: SEF Time Delayed Element (51SEF)
  32. Current Protection: High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault (64H)
  33. Current Protection: Cold Load (51c)
  34. Current Protection: Negative Phase Sequence Overcurrent (46NPS)
  35. Current Protection: Under-Current (37, 37G & 37SEF)
  36. Current Protection: Thermal Overload (49)
  37. Figure 3.10-1 Logic Diagram: Thermal Overload Protection (49S)
  38. Voltage Protection: Phase Under/Over Voltage (27/59) - 7SR22
  39. Voltage Protection: Negative Phase Sequence Overvoltage (47) – 7SR22
  40. Voltage Protection: Neutral Overvoltage (59N) – 7SR22
  41. Voltage Protection: Under/Over Frequency (81) – 7SR22
  42. Section 4: Control & Logic Functions
  43. Auto Reclose sequences
  44. Autoreclose Prot'n Menu
  45. P/F Shots Sub-Menu
  46. Extern Shots Sub-Menu
  47. Figure 4.7-1 Basic Auto-Reclose Sequence Diagram
  48. Manual Control
  49. Figure 4.9-1 Logic Diagram: Circuit Breaker Status
  50. Quick Logic
  51. Figure 4.10-1 Sequence Diagram: Quick Logic PU/DO Timers (Counter Reset Mode Off)
  52. Section 5: Supervision Functions
  53. VT Supervision (60VTS) – 7SR22
  54. Figure 5.2-1 Logic Diagram: VT Supervision Function (60VTS)
  55. CT Supervision (60CTS & 60CTS-I)
  56. Broken Conductor (46BC)
  57. Inrush Restraint (81HBL2)
  58. Section 6: Other Features
  59. Data Storage
  60. Waveform Records
  61. Operating Mode
  62. Real Time Clock
  63. Password Feature
Argus 7SR21 first page preview

Argus 7SR21

Brand: Siemens | Category: Other
Table of contents
  1. Description of Operation
  2. Document Release History
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Section 1: Introduction
  8. Table 1.5-1 Ordering Information – 7SR21 Non-Directional Overcurrent
  9. Figure 1.5-1 Functional Diagram of 7SR21 Relay
  10. Figure 1.5-2 Connections Diagram for 7SR21 Relay
  11. Table 1.5-2 Ordering Information – 7SR22 Directional Overcurrent
  12. Figure 1.5-3 Functional Diagram of 7SR22 Relay
  13. Figure 1.5-4 Connection Diagram for 7SR22 Relay
  14. Section 2: Hardware Description
  15. Case
  16. Figure 2.5-1 7SR21 with 3 + 8 LEDs in E6 Case
  17. Communication Interface
  18. Current Inputs
  19. Binary Outputs (Output Relays)
  20. Virtual Input/Outputs
  21. Protection Healthy/Defective
  22. Section 3: Protection Functions
  23. Figure 3.1.1-1 Logic Diagram: Directional Overcurrent Element (67)
  24. Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection (50)
  25. Time Delayed Overcurrent Protection (51)
  26. Current Protection: Voltage Controlled Overcurrent (51V) – 7SR22
  27. Current Protection: Derived Earth Fault (67N, 51N, 50N)
  28. Instantaneous Derived Earth Fault Protection (50N)
  29. Time Delayed Derived Earth Fault Protection (51N)
  30. Current Protection: Measured Earth Fault (67G, 51G, 50G)
  31. Instantaneous Measured Earth Fault Protection (50G)
  32. Time Delayed Measured Earth Fault Protection (51G)
  33. Current Protection: Sensitive Earth Fault (67SEF, 51SEF, 50SEF)
  34. Instantaneous Sensitive Earth Fault Protection (50SEF)
  35. Figure 3.5.2-1 Logic Diagram: 50 SEF Instantaneous Element
  36. Time Delayed Sensitive Earth Fault Protection (51SEF)
  37. Figure 3.5.3-1 Logic Diagram: 51 SEF Time Delayed Element
  38. Current Protection: High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault (64H)
  39. Current Protection: Cold Load (51c)
  40. Current Protection: Negative Phase Sequence Overcurrent (46NPS)
  41. Current Protection: Under-Current (37, 37G & 37SEF)
  42. Current Protection: Thermal Overload (49)
  43. Figure 3.11-1 Logic Diagram: Thermal Overload Protection (49S)
  44. Current Protection: Arc Flash Detector (50 AFD)
  45. Voltage Protection: Phase Under/Over Voltage (27/59) - 7SR22
  46. Voltage Protection: Negative Phase Sequence Overvoltage (47) – 7SR22
  47. Voltage Protection: Neutral Overvoltage (59N) – 7SR22
  48. Voltage Protection: Under/Over Frequency (81) – 7SR22
  49. Power Protection: Power (32) – 7SR22
  50. Power Protection: Sensitive Power (32S) – 7SR22
  51. Power Protection: Power Factor (55) – 7SR22
  52. Section 4: Control & Logic Functions
  53. Auto Reclose sequences
  54. Autoreclose Prot'n Menu
  55. P/F Shots Sub-Menu
  56. Extern Shots Sub-Menu
  57. Figure 4.7-1 Basic Auto-Reclose Sequence Diagram
  58. Manual Control
  59. Synchronising
  60. Figure 4.9.3-1 Voltage Detector Operation
  61. Check Synchronising Mode
  62. System Split Detector
  63. System Synchronising Mode
  64. Live/Dead Indication
  65. Circuit Breaker
  66. Figure 4.11-1 Logic Diagram: Circuit Breaker Status
  67. Quick Logic
  68. Figure 4.12-1Sequence Diagram: Quick Logic PU/DO Timers (Counter Reset Mode Off)
  69. Section 5: Supervision Functions
  70. VT Supervision (60VTS) – 7SR22
  71. Busbar VT Fail (60VTF-Bus) – 7SR22
  72. CT Supervision (60CTS & 60CTS-I)
  73. Broken Conductor (46BC)
  74. Inrush Restraint (81HBL2)
  75. Over Fluxing Detector (81HLB5)
  76. Load Blinder (21)
  77. Load Blinder (21) Single-Phase
  78. Data Communications Definitions
  79. Siemens Protection Devices Limited
  80. Data Storage
  81. Fault Records
  82. Energy Storage
  83. Fault Locator
  84. Operating Mode
  85. Time Synchronisation - Data Communication Interface
  86. The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document, and in any model or article produced from it
Argus 7SR21 first page preview

Argus 7SR21

Brand: Siemens | Category: Relays
Argus 7SR21 first page preview

Argus 7SR21

Brand: Siemens | Category: Relay
Argus 7SR21 first page preview

Argus 7SR21

Brand: Siemens | Category: Relay
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