This control makes the system operate at high speedfor periods varying from 10 to 60 minutes.OFF102030405060TURNPAST20VC0017Adjust knob to the desired maximumindoor humidity level.COMFORTZONEOFF%RELATIVEHUM IDI TY70%60%50%40%30%25%20%HUMIDITYCONTROLDURING FALL, WINTERAND SPRING, SET THEDIAL ACCORDING TOTHE DESIRED MAXIMUMINDOOR HUMIDITY LEVEL.DURING SUMMER SETTHE DIAL TO THEOFF POSITION.VC0038CAUTIONDo not select a humidity level below30%. This could lead to excessivedryness in the air causing discomfortfor the occupants.2.3.4 60-minute Crank Timer (all units)2.3.3 Humidity Control (90H-V only)2.3 Optional Auxiliary Controls (cont’d)2. Controls (cont’d)13