56-101-01175 Revision H Page | 54ground “ambient” pressure. If the Ps channel is not presently at ground, the ATP willautomatically perform a Go To Ground function before starting the Pt channel leaktest.b) Static (Ps channel) low level (default = 5,000 ft)c) Static (Ps channel) high ALT (default = 20,000 ft)Note: Both ATP Leak Test Profiles can be altered by the user. Once they have beenaltered, they can be saved. However, a different profile name will be required.Note: “Test Set-only” implies that no aircraft or instrument(s) are connected. “Test Set with hoses” implies the Test Set has the hoses attached andcapped off so the test result represents the base line leak rate for allcomponents except the aircraft or instruments about to be tested. It is highly recommended to complete at least the “Test Set with Hoses” leaktest before proceeding to the aircraft or instrument.B. STATIC and PITOT Test Set Leak Test – (Test Set and hoses only) Confirm hoses connected to both Ps and Pt ports on DPS1000. Confirm the other end of each hose is sealed with an AN4 plug. Determine the method of Leak Test. For method 1(Leak Rate Timer), follow B-1steps and for method 2 (ATP Leak Test), follow B-2 steps.1. Method 1: Leak Rate TimerFigure 51 Measure Time vs Leak Timea) Select “Control” mode. Wait Resuming Control screen appears for a few seconds.b) Select ALT Target. ALT key pad display appears. Enter desired altitude to perform theleak test.c) After establishing the Target altitude, select “Leak Measure” mode.d) From the Main Menu, select Leak Testing and touch Leak Rate Timer.