Media Rack MIDI Player, Wave Player, and CD Player2 - 144.4 Using Hotkey Output Level ControlsYou can use keyboard key combinations to adjust the master output level,without using on-screen mixer controls. This lets you adjust output whilekeeping Media Rack minimized, e.g.Using hotkeys, you can raise, lower, or mute the master output level. Each ofthese actions requires a combination of three keyboard keys pressed simultaneously.In each case, you hold down the [Ctrl] and [Alt] keys while pressing a third key.You can select the keys to represent these actions, and enable or disable thehotkey function, using the Hotkeys menu item from the Mixer menu.4.5 Using System Mixer PresetsSystem Mixer stores up to five Preset configurations. Presets allow you to switchinstantly to settings you've saved, appropriate for different purposes. Forexample, you might save one configuration for quietly recording reminders toyourself and another louder configuration for multimedia presentations.Note: Preset buttons and the Current Settings Display may not be shown onsystems with a lot of controls, due to lack of space. You can choosewhether to display the preset controls with the Show Mixer Presetsmenu item from the Mixer menu. You can also choose the color for theCurrent Settings Display with the Color menu item from the Mixermenu.To create a mixer configuration and assign it to one of the Presets:1. Adjust the mixer settings, both input and output, as desired.2. Click on the Memory button. You will see its LED lit, meaning it is readyto store your settings.3. Click on one of the five Preset buttons.4. System Mixer will ask you to name the Preset configuration. Theconfiguration name can be up to 10 characters in length.To restore a settings configuration, just click on the desired Preset button. Youshould see the sliders move to the appropriate levels.