H0491600.C - EN - 2015-1217❺ Troubleshooting• Before you contact your reseller, please carry out these few simple checks using the followingtables if a problem occurs.• If the problem continues contact your reseller.• : Actions reserved for a qualifi ed technician.5.1 I Device behaviourPart of the pool is not correctlycleaned.• Repeat the immersion steps (see § “3.3 Immersing the cleaner”) varyingthe immersion locati on unti l you find the right place in the pool.The appliance does not stay firmly onthe pool bottom• There is sti ll air in the appliance's casing. Repeat the immersion operati ons(see § “3.3 Immersing the cleaner”).• The filter is full or dirty: clean it.• The filter is clogged: change it.• The propeller is damaged:The device does not or no longerclimbs the pool sides as it originallydid.(its electronic program means thatthe device does not systemati callyclimb the walls).• The filter is full or dirty: clean it.• The filter is clogged: change it.• Even though the water seems clear, microscopic algae are present in yourpool, they are not visible to the naked eye, and they make the sides slipperyand prevent the device from climbing. Carry out shock chlorinati on andslightly reduce the pH. Do not leave the device in the water during shocktreatment.The device does not perform anymovements on start-up.• Check that the control box's power socket is receiving a power supply.• Check that a cleaning cycle has been launched and that the lights are on.The cable gets tangled• Do not unroll the enti re length of the cable into the pool.• Place the required length of cable in the pool and spread the rest along theside of the pool.The control unit does not respondwhen you press the buttons• Unplug the cable from the mains socket, wait 10 seconds and plug it backin again.The screen displays themessage when the remote controlmode is active.• This means that the remote control batteries are too low: change them.The remote control LED is flashing orthe LED is on steady.Remote control range problem:• Position the control box on the trolley at least 3.5 metres from the pool.• Orient the control box towards the pool in order to improve the rangeof the remote control. Ensure there are no large obstacles between thecontrol box and the pool.The remote control LED is on steady. • Synchronisation problem: repeat the synchronisation steps (see §”3.8.4Synchronising the remote control with the control box”).