About this guideThis guide contains installation and operating instructions for the ZinWave 2700 Hub(HU), as well as instructions for using the ZinWave 2760 Multi-service Antenna Unit(AU).This guide is one member of a comprehensive documentation set for the ZinWaveDAS. It is designed to provide you with a smooth, successful installation and set-up.In addition to this guide, the documentation set includes:• 2700 Software Manual—• Installation and Technical Manual—• System Design and Planning Guidelines (To be added later)• DAS Quick Basics—online tutorial that provides interactive training on how touse the system. (To be added later)• Getting Started Poster—helps you quickly set up the hardware. You’ll find thatthe steps on the poster correspond directly to the chapters in this book, making iteasy to know where to go for more information. (To be added later)• Online help—provides context-sensitive information for entries in each of theviews within the software, as well as in-depth information about the use of theZinConfig software. (To be added later)Issue 3 Page 4 of 31 15/11/2006