131 of 188MAINTENANCE AND USE MANUALfurnace DEEN6.1WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONSCHAPTER 6: INSTALLATION AND FIRST-TIME USESo as to provide greater clarity the numbers given in the diagrams in thischapter correspond exactly to the numbering in the Components Table(Ch. 3).Work area lighting is an important factor in both personnel safety and theultimate quality of the work being done. In Italy lighting must comply with aMinisterial Decree Law that clearly defines minimum lighting requirements.In other countries lighting requirements form part of the accident preventionand workplace hygiene standards.Before proceeding with installation make sure that all relevant safety conditions prevail andfollow the instructions below carefully.6.3REQUIRED WORK SPACEChoosing a good workplace with an appropriate amount of space available for equipmentinstallation is an essential factor in personnel safety, the quality of the work and propermaintenance. This zone must not only be spacious enough to allow for optimum equipmentoperation but must also be well illuminated, aired, not dusty and not exposed to direct sunlight.Note also that the unit must be positioned so the connection plug can be handled/manipulated withease.6.2PERMITTED AMBIENT CONDITIONSUnless stated otherwise at the time of order the equipment will be configured to operate properlyunder the following ambient conditions:Ambient conditions other than those listed above may cause malfunctions or suddenbreakdowns. Lighting in the installation area must be sufficient to provide good visibility at everysingle point on the equipment.More specifically, luminosity must not be less than 200 lux, lighting must be as uniform aspossible and there must be no reflected light as this could dazzle the operator.The equipment must not be used in workplaces having an atmosphere which isexplosive and/or at risk of fire as it has not been designed for use in such areas.Nevertheless, should a fire accidentally break out follow the procedure describedin paragraph 2.4.Place of Use IndoorsAltitude Up to 2000 mWorking temperature From 5°C to 40°CHumidity Max 80%