GETTING TO KNOW YOUR TVTYPICAL CONTROL PANELThe control panel on x our TV ma_ differ from.th_ o_e she\_nNOTE: Some TVsha_ea_erticatcontrolp4n_':---thcopera-tion is the same as described t\_rthe control panel sho,a n.F.NTER (EN'F} SELECT (SEL) VOLUME (VOL) Up/Down OFF-ONPressto see _heCilannel Time dis- Pressdurn_.a,m-screen t,a_.._,l_ _ _,, op- Press to increase or decrease the Press to turn TVF,ia.,,, or to remox e an,. on-screen dis- orations to .,eiec: a mer.u option, sound ie',el, power ON or OFF.FJay or menu._ __T C _ _/ _A DJL'ST ! -\!),l) Left, RightPress dtlrJll_. ,._T!-SCree[l nlenl.i OD.::F_i--ti>n to see ;nformation sT.attl,_dis_ia',:br selected (}DPx,l; P:-os i_:!1: r, :.>.just the selected menu opt_o_CttANNEL (CH) Up/l)ov, nPress ru select dqarmeJs l_giler,; '.ox_erthan the channels be-_n__ie_ed You can ..tdd chan-;_eisto or delete channels fromthe scanning sequence stored inmemop, of the TV. See CH.ADD DEL option t-br channelDro_rammin_ information.Remote V,'indo_Point the remotecontrol towards this•A indov, to operatethe TVSLEEP TIMERSome remote controls are equipped ;_ilh a TIXIER butt _,_.!hatprovides access to the SLEEP TINIER a',ailable _ith some I-Vmodels. Bv usino the SI,EEP FIMER. you can program theTV to automaticall,, shut off after a period from 15 minutes upto 4 hours.To Set SLEEP TIMER]L.Press TIMER to see SLEEP TINIER display.2. Press TIMER repeatedly' until you reach desired shut-off time.One minute before the TV shuts off, the GOOD NIGHT dis-play appears on the screen. At this time ',ou ha_e a choice ofthe following three actions.l{.Do nothing. [he GOOD NIGHT displa,, remains onthe screen. The I-V \rill shut oft" in one minute.2. Remove the GOOD NIGttT display by pressing ENTER(ENT). The TV will still shut off in one minute.3. Delay the shut off by using TIMER to select a nexvshut off time.To Cancel the SLEEP TIMERYou can cancel the SLEEP TIMER by' setting the SLEEPFIMER status to OFF. Press TIMER repeatedly' until OFF isselected.NOTE: The SLEEP TIMER resets to OFF when you turn offthe TV.SLEEP TIMER0:15Sleep Timer DisplaySLEEP TIMERGOOD NIGHT0:58"'Good Night" Display