1Table of ContentsWhat is mLAN Mixer? .......... 2Starting mLAN Mixer ........... 2Windows98/95 environment. 2Macintosh environment ........ 2Top Panel Screen ................. 3Menu Bar.............................. 4File menu .............................. 4View menu............................ 4Option .................................. 4Help menu ............................ 5Basic Controls....................... 6Control knobs ....................... 6Numeric field box ................. 6Input Channel Settings(Input Section) .................. 7Master Track Settings(Output Section) ............... 9Channel Tab Window.........10EQ (Equalizer)...................... 11Dynamics ............................ 11Delay................................... 12Effect Tab Screen................13System Tab Screen .............14mLAN8P.............................. 14mLAN8E .............................. 16Block Diagram (Audio).......17mLAN8P.............................. 17mLAN8E .............................. 18Data List..............................19Effect Type .......................... 19Effects Parameters................ 20Dynamics ............................ 29Dynamics Library................. 34EQ Library ........................... 35• The software and this owner’s manual are exclusive copyrights of Yamaha Corporation.• Copying of the software or reproduction of this manual in whole or in part by any means isexpressly forbidden without the written consent of the manufacturer.• Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documen-tation and cannot be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software.• Copying of the commercially available music sequence data and/or digital audio files is strictlyprohibited except for your personal use.• The company names and product names in this Owner’s Manual are the trademarks or regis-tered trademarks of their respective companies.• The screen displays as illustrated in this Owner’s Manual are for instructional purposes, andmay appear somewhat different from the screens which appear on your computer.This owner’s manual assumes that you are already familiar with basic Windows/Mac-intosh operation. If you are not, please refer to the owner’s manual which came withyour Windows/Mac OS software before using mLAN Mixer.For information about hardware requirements, the interconnection of devices andthe installation of the mLAN Mixer software, refer to the separate “InstallationGuide” as well as the owner’s manual for the respective mLAN device.This owner’s manual is applicable to the mLAN Mixer for both Windows and Macin-tosh. The screen illustrations are mainly taken from the mLAN Mixer for Macintosh.©2000 Yamaha Corporation