CL Editor Owner’s Manual1Special Notices• The software and this owner’s manual are the exclu-sive copyrights of Yamaha Corporation.• Copying of the software or reproduction of thismanual in whole or in part by any means is expresslyforbidden without the written consent of the manu-facturer.• Copying of the commercially available musicsequence data and/or digital audio files is strictlyprohibited except for your personal use.• Yamaha makes no representations or warrantieswith regard to the use of the software and documen-tation and cannot be held responsible for the resultsof the use of this manual and the software.• The screen displays as illustrated in this owner’smanual are for instructional purposes, and mayappear somewhat different from the screens whichappear on your computer.• For information on modification of system software,certain functions, or specifications due to versionupdate of the application, please visit the followingwebsite:• Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft ®Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.• Apple, Mac and Macintosh are trademarks of AppleInc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.• The company names and product names in thisOwner’s Manual are the trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective companies.❏ Yamaha Pro Audio Global Site Started ......................................... 2Master window ......................................... 9Overview window ................................... 12Selected Channel window....................... 25Library window ....................................... 45Premium Rack Library window ............... 48Patch Editor window ............................... 49Virtual Rack window................................ 53Meter window ......................................... 67Group/Link window ................................ 69Scene window ......................................... 73Custom Fader Bank Setup window......... 80Custom Fader Bank window ................... 81User Defined Keys Setup window........... 82User Defined Knobs Setup window ........ 83Sends On Fader window ......................... 85Outport Setup window ........................... 86Keyboard Shortcuts................................. 88Index........................................................ 89* Specifications and descriptions in this owner’s manual arefor information purposes only. Yamaha Corp. reserves theright to change or modify products or specifications at anytime without prior notice.CL EditorCL EditorCL EditorOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualDescription of menus and buttonsIn the event that menu and button names on a Windowssystem are different from those on a Mac, this manual usesthe Windows menu and button names followed by the Macmenu and button names in parentheses.