Getting StartedXYPLEX MAXSERVER 1600TERMINAL SERVER1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6RUN LAN CONSOLEC A R DXPorts 1 - 16 -- These lights indicate port activity.Flashing = activity associated with port.ON = port connection established.OFF = no port connection established.Reset switch -- Press once to put the unit in reset state.Press again to re-initialize the unit.CONSOLE light -- ON when someone is logged on to theunit's console port via the network. Flashes if permanentparameter changes have not yet been stored. (Do not poweroff the MAXserver 1600 while this light is flashing.)LAN light -- Flashes when the unit receives Ethernetpackets. (OFF when not connected to network, or networkis faulty.)RUN light -- ON when unit is reset; flashes rapidly whenunit executes firmware code; flashes slowly when softwareis loaded (RUN state).CARD light -- ON when Memory card is being accessed. Donot remove the card or power off the unit while this lightis ON.Memory Card slotEject ButtonFigure 2-3. MAXserver 1600/1608 Front Panel16 0590