44-13 Defining colorsDefining colorsYou can choose colors in Photoshop with various color models, including HSB, CIELab, RGB, and CMYK. You can also choose named colors from the PANTONECoated color library. For best results, use the color definition methods describedin Chapter 2.Selecting options when printingYou can print RGB or CMYK images from Photoshop 6.x and 5.x.• When you print an RGB image, you choose whether the conversion to CMYK isperformed by the Color Server (using a CRD), PostScript (using PostScript ColorManagement), or Photoshop built-in color management.• When you print a CMYK image, you can print composites or color separations.N OTE : You cannot use the Combine Separations feature of the Color Server torecombine separations printed from Photoshop.T O PRINT IMAGES FROM P HOTOSHOP 6. X OR 5. X1. Choose Print from the File menu.The Print dialog box appears.Photoshop 6.x