Product overview1-8 Installation Planning GuideThe following illustrates a check printed with a MICR line in U.S.format. The entire MICR line, which consists of numbers andcharacters (called symbols), is printed using magnetic ink.Figure 1-2. Example of a check printed with MICR line (U. S.)The DocuPrint 100/115/135/155/180 MX systems meet ABAstandards and ANSI and ISO specifications for automatic checkhandling. They print the variable data and the MICR line at thesame time. This single-pass printing capability reducesprocessing time and costs.MICR fontsXerox provides a set of 300 and 600 dpi E13B and CMC7 MICRfonts for use with your DocuPrint 100/115/135/155/180 MXsystem. To receive the high print quality guaranteed by Xerox,you must use these MICR fonts.CMC7 fonts have been adopted in various countries outside ofthe U.S., and are the official standard in France. Like the E13Bfont, they are magnetically readable, but with a differentcharacter design and recognition criteria. (Currently, CMC7 isavailable only through Xerox Europe.)ERA ERA CORPORATION P. O. BOX 9968 KENAN,N.Y.146008PAYROLL ACCOUNTPAYTOTHE ORDER OFSECURITYTRUST COMPANY OF KENEAN,N.Y.06-29-84VOID AFTER 90 DAYS50-162231962721$980.28$* * * *980 28DOLLARS CENTSNOT NEGOTIABLEJEAN L.MAGNIN484 NORTH PROSPECTCARUBA BEACH, CA 80297PAYABLE IF DESIRED AT SOUTHERN PACIFICNATIONALTRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOC.OMAHA, NEBRASKA 12-35/9290MICR Line