28can press [Left/Right] keys to switch“GMT Offset” value, and the range is“-12:00 ~ +12:00”, increase each half hourprogressively.You can press [Left/Right] to controlSummer time on or off.“Date” and “Time” items are valid onlywhen the setting of “GMT Usage” is “Off”.You can press [Left/Right] keys to movinghighlight and use number keys to inputdirectly.If the current channel provides thecorrect time information, you will seethe current time while you enter “Time”menu. If the channel doesn’t providetime information, you have to input thedate and time information manually.Press [Menu] key to draw back from“Local Time Setting” Menu.11.5 TimerPress [enter] key to open timer menu.Current time information will displayon the first column; if the current time11.4 Time SettingWhen you enter to “Local Time Setting”menu, you will see the screen like above:GMT Usage: This item is use for open theusage of GMT. You can press [Left/Right]keys to switch “On/Off”.The “GMT Offset” item is valid only whenthe setting of “GMT Usage” is “Yes”. YouIn this menu, you can press [OK] keyselect 3G Dial setting, press [OK] key toselect connect to network or disconnectthe network.