Model IRS232A Page 9© 2002 Xantech CorporationMethod 2: Testing RS232 Commands Through Dragon Drop-IR to PC ScreenNOTE: This requires either 2 PC’s or a PC with two COM Ports. A communication program such as Hyper-terminal is also required. This is an ‘advanced’ testing method and can be used as a trouble shooting tool if theMethod 1 test did not control the unit appropriately. This will allow you to visually confirm the IRS232A isoutputting the correct command string.1. Connect the IRS232A as shown in Figure 1 but connect the RS232 OUT via a “Null-Modem” cable toeither another PC’s COM Port or to another COM Port on the PC running Dragon Drop-IR.2. On the PC connected to the RS232 OUT of the IRS232A, open the RS232 Communication software andconfigure for the proper communication settings.NOTE: If you are using the same PC, you should now have 2 programs running; Dragon Drop-IR™ andthe RS232 Communication software. Arrange the two programs so both windows are visiblesimultaneously.3. Click the button labeled TEST in the IRS232 Window. The button should now be outlined in RED.4. Click on a button to test in the IRS232 window.5. The green RS232 OUTPUT LED should flash indicating the IRS232A has issued a command string andthe ASCII command string should be displayed in the RS232 Communication software screen.6. Make changes to the ASCII text as needed in Dragon7. Repeat Steps 4 & 5 for each string to be tested.8. To terminate TEST mode, simply click on TEST in the IRS232 window. The RED outline should nowdisappear.Method 3: Testing RS232 Commands via IR Remote to PC ScreenNOTE: This is an ‘advanced’ testing method that can also be used as a trouble shooting tool to visually verify thecorrect command string is being sent by the IRS232A.The project created will need to be transferred to theIRS232A (Please see Transferring a Project to the IRS232A). A PC running a communication program such asHyper-terminal is also required. You will also need a remote programmed with the proper RC68+ commands.1. Connect an IR source (IR sensor and remote or a keypad) to the IR input of the IRS232A as in Figure 1.2. Connect the IRS232A’s RS232 OUT to the PC COM Port.3. On the PC connected to the RS232 OUT of the IRS232A, open the RS232 Communication software andconfigure for the proper communication settings.4. With a handheld remote or keypad programmed with the proper RC68+, send the IR trigger commands tothe IRS232A.5. The green RS232 OUTPUT LED should flash indicating the IRS232A has issued a command string andthe ASCII command string should be displayed in the RS232 Communication software screen.6. Make changes to the ASCII text as needed in Dragon and transfer the project again.7. Repeat steps 4-6 until all command strings are verified.TRANSFERRING A PROJECT TO THE IRS232A1. Be sure the IRS232A is connected to the PC as in Figure 1.2. From the File menu, select Base Unit Transfer (Ctrl+B). A Project Down Load window appears with thestatement "Synching Please Wait", then "Transmitting Please Wait".3. A transfer status bar is shown as the transmission of data progresses. The green RS232 OUTPUT LEDon the IRS232A blinks until the transfer completes.4. Using the same procedure, you may transfer to any number of additional Controllers.NOTE: If programming the previous version IRS232 module (non ADVANCED version), DRAGONDROP-IR™ version 1.04 and higher will transfer all commands to unit during programming with theexception of any advanced parameter options (i.e. Baud Rates outside of 9600, STOP Bits other then 1and DATA Bits other then 8). A message will appear indicating these features will be excluded as seen inFigure 6.