Page 12 Model IRS232A© 2002 Xantech Corporation3. Problems communicating with the DeviceAfter the proper RC68+ IR trigger is sent to the IRS232A, the Green RS232 Out LED does not blink anddoesn’t control the device.a. The IR receiver is not transmitting the command to the IRS232A unit. Check the IR Receiver andthe emitter going from the connecting block to the IRS232A IR IN (see Figure 1).b. Make sure the proper RC68+ command is being sent to the IR Receiver. Use an RC68+programmer remote set to the proper code group.c. Verify the proper Code Group Setting in the Dragon Drop-IR™ project.d. Verify that ‘an actual RS232 command string is programmed in the Dragon Drop-IR™ projectunder that trigger.TABLE 1 - IRS232A CONNECTOR PINOUT INFORMATIONIRS232ACOM PORT RS232 OUTPIN # FUNCTION PIN # FUNCTION2 Tx 2 Rx3 Rx 3 Tx5 GND 5 GNDTABLE 2 - DEFAULT SETTINGSIRS232APARAMETER DEFAULTSETTING ADJUSTABLEBaud Rate 9600Yes (300,1200, 2400,4800, 9600, 19.2k,38.4k, 115.2kbps)Data Bits 8 Yes; 7, 8Stop Bits 1 Yes; 1, 2Parity None Yes; Odd, Even,NoneFlow Control None NoXANTECH CORPORATION12950 Bradley Avenue, Sylmar CA 91342-3829phone 818.362.0353 • fax Part No. 08901200 Rev B 10-18-2002