® 1Remote Control SwitchersINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS686-10REMOTE SPEAKER SWITCHERThe 686-10 is an infrared remote controlled Speaker Switcher. It allows the user to turn six stereo pairs ofspeakers ON and OFF by way of IR commands from a Xantech RC68+ (or RC68) Programmer. The RC68+commands are "taught" to learning devices and passed to the 686-10 signal input terminals via Xantech IRreceivers and keypads. Individual speaker pairs may be turned on or off in any particular room or allspeakers turned on and off from any room for a "party mode".Fig. 1 The Model 686-10 Remote Speaker SwitcherFEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS• 200 watts per channel capacity.• Switchable 4-Ohm series resistor for amplifier protection.• Seven 4-terminal plug-in connectors. One for the amplifier input and 6 for the stereo, relay-switchedspeaker outputs.• Isolated Left and Right Grounds allow use of bridging type power amplifiers.• 4-terminal IR input for Xantech IR Receivers, SmartPads, connecting blocks and other devices.• IR Confirm LED lights only with RC68+ On/Off, Toggle & Group IR commands.• RC68+ IR commands permit Toggle, Pair and Group mode operations as well as different IR codes foruse of multiple 686-10's. The 686-10's Code Group number is 98.• Universal mounting fits 19-inch racks or any 3-1/2" X 19" surface. Projects about 2-3/4 inches behindpanel with cables connected.• Requires RC68+ Programmer (or an RC68) and 782-00 Power Supply.• Power: 12 VDC @ 300mA.• Dimensions: 19" W x 3-1/2" H x 2-1/4" D.RC68 PROGRAMMER / REMOTE CONTROLThe RC68+ Programmer (available separately) contains all commands necessary to operate the 686-10(see Fig. 2).• You will need it to program universal learning devices such as the Xantech URC-1 learning remote, theXantech Smart Pads, the 590 Controller, the 710 Fone Link, etc., with commands that operate the 686-10.• NOTE: The RC68+ codes operate several other Xantech models as well, such as the RS41AV, CC12,ZPR68, etc. Therefore, only the button descriptions that apply to the operation of the 686-10 arelisted. All others should be ignored.1 2 3 4 5 6O N1 2 3 4 5O NPROTECTIONRESISTOROUTI NLEFTLEFT GNDRIGHT GNDRIGHT12 VDCIR CONFIRMAMPLIFIERINPUTL+L-R-R++12VGNDGNDIR IN61 2SPEAKER3 54REMOTE SPEAKER SWITCHER686-10