®2 686-10CAUTION: While the RC68+ can be used as a handheld remote control, it is highly recommended it notbe given to the final user for the following reasons:• Since it includes adjustable code groups, the user may inadvertently alter the installed configurations.• Also, since the user will require IR commands from other brands of equipment to control the total system,in addition to those of the 686-10, all commands should be consolidated into one learning device, for easeof use.APPLICABLE RC68 BUTTON DESCRIPTIONS(With the "D" Overlay. Refer to Fig. 2)Speaker Relay Numbers (1 ~ 6).These numbers identify the row of button commandsthat apply to each Speaker Relay on the 686-10.Code Group Numbers.The 686-10 is capable of being set to 30 different IRcode groups. The code groups are identified by thenumbers and letters that are on the face of eachbutton.NOTE: When shipped from the factory, the 686-10 isset to code group number 98.Be sure to set the RC68+ to the same number!It may be necessary to change the 686-10 to adifferent code group if it is used in a common IR buscontrolled system with other Xantech 686-10's, toavoid mutual interaction.Refer to the RC68+ instructions for code groupsetting details and procedures!Speaker Relay Command Modes.Depending on the installation, you may want to have the 686-10 respond to IR commands in different ways.The basic modes of operation for each speaker relay on the 686-10 are as follows:OFF -Turns the selected speaker relay OFF.ON - Turns the selected speaker relay ON.These dedicated OFF and ON (paired) commands are helpful when sending IR commands "blind" fromsecondary rooms when you have no visual aid for status.TGL - (Toggle Mode) - Switches the selected speaker relay ON when the TGL command is sent and OFFwhen it is sent again. If the relay is ON, it will turn OFF-- if it is OFF it will turn ON when the code issent.MMT- (Momentary Mode) - Turns the selected speaker relay ON when the code is sent. The ON conditionremainsonly as long as the MMT code is being sent. The relay is normally OFF.GP-ON (Group ON) - This button (labeled F8 on the button face) causes the 686-10 to turn all speaker relaysON at the same time. GP-ON overrides all individual settings.GP-OFF (Group OFF) - This button (labeled D8 on the button face) causes the 686-10 to turn all 6 speakerrelays OFF (or any selected single relay).NOTE: OFF, ON and TGL (toggle) operation will still operate for any individual speaker relay afterGroup ON is executed.Fig. 2 RC68+ ProgrammerOFF ON TGL MMTOFF ON TGL MMTOFF ON TGL MMTOFF ON TGL MMTOFF ON TGL MMTOFF ON TGL MMTGP-ONGP-OFF13456280 48 10 90 0100 C0 50 D0 4140 A0 30 B0 2120 E0 70 F0 6160 88 18 98 0908 A8 38 B8 2928 E8 78 F8 6968 C8 58 D8 49E1 89 C9 A9 E971 19 59 39 79F1 99 D9 B9 F9Place the"D" Overlayon the RC68+Speaker RelayOutputNumbers(1 through 6)Code GroupNumbers(on face of eachbutton)SpeakerRelayCommandModes(for 6 relays)Group-ONGroup-OFFRC68+D