DP200 Page 27enter a password, if the current password is blank (4 spaces) any password will beaccepted otherwise only the correct password will be accepted. To enter apassword use the ‘Frequency’ control to select the character and the [SCROLL] keyto select the position, press [ENTER] when ready. (Note: When setting a newpassword any characters left as ‘*’ will be stored as a space (‘ ‘). To re-enter thepassword they must be set as a space). If the correct password has been enteredthe display will show the ‘Section lockout’ screens. The sections that can be lockedare:- Input Gain, Input Delay, Input PEQ, HPF & LPF, Limiters, Output PEQ,Output Gain and Output Delay.The lock levels available for each section are:-1. No Lock - The section is displayed and controlled as normal.2. Control - The section is displayed but not adjustable.3. Display - The section is not displayed or adjustable.To move through the section list press the [MENU] key, the current lock level foreach section will be shown. To change the lock level use the ‘Frequency’ controland the [ENTER] key to set the new lock level. At the end of the list the display willshow ‘Press ENTER to enforce Locking’, press the [ENTER] key to go into the‘locked’ mode or the [QUIT] key to go into the ‘unlocked’ mode. If the security levelis ‘Supervisor’ and the [ENTER] key was pressed to enforce locking, the display willshow ‘ Press ENTER to CLEAR all USER locking’, press the [ENTER] key to clearall the ‘User’ set locks and the ‘User’ password.Note 1: In ‘User’ security level only the sections not locked by the ‘Supervisor’ willbe accessible.Note 2: If the unit is left in the ‘unlocked’ mode it will automatically go into the‘locked’ mode at power-on.Note 3: To clear a password do the following sequence. Enter the correct passwordset all sections to ‘No Lock’. Press the [QUIT] key, leaving the unit in the ‘unlocked’mode. Press the [MENU] then the [ENTER] key, the display will show the currentpassword, change this to all spaces and press the [ENTER] key.Note 4: When any section is locked and the unit is in the ‘locked’ mode, no changein the unit’s configuration is possible.AES/EBU UnitsConnections (see Page 9 for more information)Connection of AES/EBU signals is via the existing rear panel XLR connectors.Three recessed switches are provided on the rear panel allowing selection ofAnalogue or AES digital format for these connectors. With these switches set forAES/EBU; Inputs A and B are provided on Input A connector, Outputs 1 and 2 onOutput 1 connector and Outputs 3 and 4 on Output 3 connector.Menu SelectionsWith the AES/EBU option fitted, AES Receive and Diagnostic modes are provided.AES Receive Mode: