Page 28 DP6i Operators ManualCrossover Filter SlopesPlease consult the block diagrams on page 11 for details of the various configurationsavailable. All crossover modes feature adjustable crossover frequencies with a choiceof slopes, 5 bands of driver compensation E.Q. per output and delay time pluslimiters for each output. A powerful 8 band parametric equaliser is also provided oneach input for room equalisation. Phase reverse is provided for each output.A choice of Bessel or Butterworth slopes at 12/18/24dB per octave and Linkwitz-Riley at 24dB per octave are provided. Since Low and High pass functions areseparately adjusted, asymmetric slopes are easily achieved, if required. It should alsobe noted that the turnover frequency displayed in Audiocore is the -3dB point for allslopes except 24dB Linkwitz-Riley where the -6dB point is shown. If the -6dB point isto be used for the Bessel or Butterworth filter, take the required crossoverfrequency, multiply this by the appropriate factor from the following table and thenselect the closest available frequency.Filter Type High pass factors Low pass factorsBessel 12dB/Oct. 1.45 0.69Butterworth 12dB/Oct. 1.31 0.76Bessel 18dB/Oct. 1.37 0.73Butterworth 18dB/Oct. 1.19 0.84Bessel 24dB/Oct. 1.35 0.74Butterworth 24dB/Oct. 1.15 0.87Please note that unlike conventional analogue crossovers, crossover points and slopesare set with absolute accuracy since component tolerance problems do not occur.Time AlignmentA further advantage of the DP6i over conventional products is the provision of anindependently adjustable delay section for each output. This allows the true arrivaltime from multiple drivers to precisely aligned rather than relying on the compromise'phase adjust' approach. Delay time is adjustable in 2.6μS steps (1mm).To convert from units of time (i.e. milliseconds) to units of distance use the followingformula:1 millisecond = 343mm (1.126ft) @ 20°C (68°F)To calculate time delay for a known distance, use:Time delay = Distance in meters20.06 x √273+°Cwhere °C is the temperature in °C.To simplify this equation at 20°C.Delay time in milliseconds =(Distance in meters x 2.192) or (Distance in feet x 0.955)Note: Centigrade = (Fahrenheit –32) x 0.5555.