Page 42 5 Series5 Series5 Series5 Series Operator’s ManualAdvanced Audio FeaturesGraphic Equaliser BehaviourEach input of the 5 Series5 Series5 Series5 Series units has a 28 band graphic equaliser, allowing “traditional” manipulation of the frequencyresponse in a manner immediately familiar and accessible to all users. The behaviour of the equaliser may be adjusted toproduce an effect similar to either the GQ600, or a “Special” type of response. Both types will be explained in thissection, and what primarily makes them sound as they do. XTA’s AudioCore software has been used in the followingscreenshots.The “GQ600” behaviourThe GQ600 behaviour is designed to offer the “best of both worlds” in terms of corrective control and creative control.This is achieved by manipulation of the bandwidth of the filters, depending on the amount of cut or boost being applied.At low levels of cut/boost (where it would be safe to assume the changes to the EQ are mainly for creative use) thebandwidth is wider, so the changes to the overall response are gentler.As can be seen by this example, the500Hz band has been boosted by 2dB,and the bandwidth that has beenaffected is quite wide (there is stillappreciable activity an octave on eitherside of 500Hz – 250Hz and 1kHz).Looking at the response when theband is boosted to +8dB reveals anarrowing of the affected range offrequencies.The narrowing of the bandwidthallows more precise control whentrying to pinpoint and correctanomalies in the response.