27TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEProblem Cause SolutionBattery gaugedoes notregisteranything whenvehicle is on.1. Loose connectionnear the power switchor battery pack.2. Battery is completelydischarged.1. Check the connections,reconnecting any that areloose.2. Charge the battery.Battery gaugeregisters butvehicle stilldoes not work.1. Motor wire is looseor disconnected.2. Throttle is defective.3. Controller isdefective.1. Send to service torepair the wiring.2. Replace Throttle3. Replace Controller.Clicking noisecoming frommotor.1. Chain is loose.2. Magnets in motorhave come loose.1. Adjust the chain.2. Send to customerservice to replace a newmotor.Vehicle doesnot stop whenThrottle returnsto originalposition.Controller or Throttle isdefective.Replace Controller orThrottle. Customerservice can assist indiagnosis.Vehicle islosing speed.1. Battery is low.2. Defective battery.3. Defective Throttle.1. Charge battery.2. Replace battery.3. Replace ThrottleDistance percharge isreduced.1. Tire pressure is low.2. Battery is not fullycharged.3. Battery is damaged.4. Headwind, slopes,overloading, etc.1. Fill Tires with sufficientpressure.2. Charge battery for 6-8hours.3. Replace Battery4. Reduce these factors.Battery couldnot becharged.1. Loose wiring near thecharging socket.2. Loose wiring inbattery pack.3. Defective Charger.1. Check the wiring, re-establish connection.2. Send to a qualifiedservice technician.4. Replace Charger.NOTE: if other problems occur, do not attempt to disassemblethe electric bike on your own, please contact your retailer orwww.x-tremescooters.com/support .