I N S T A L L I N G T H E S Y S T E M1-3Track and Docking StationThe press sheet or news paper is held securely to the track with a series ofvacuum holes while the Scanning Head measures. The Operation button isused to activate a measurement sequence.The indicator light on the Docking Station illuminates three separate colorsfor varies mode conditions:• Solid Green Light—indicates that the scanning head is docked andready for use.• Solid Yellow Light— indicates that the scanning head is away fromthe docking station.• Solid Red Light— indicates that an error or problem exists with thesystem.• Flashing Yellow Light—indicates unit powered up to take reading.• Flashing Red Light—indicates there is a problem and unit needsservice.• Flashing Yellow & Green—indicates system needs to be reset.Pressing and holding Operation button for 5-seconds performs reset.Operation ButtonIndicator LampVacuum HolesScanning Head ContactSystem Connections