15FIG. 32RECHARGE BUTTONThe long button at the bottom of the softener statusscreen (See Figure 29) will show recharge status,including whether a recharge is scheduled (SeeFigure 41). During a recharge cycle, a countdownclock is displayed in the button (See Figure 32).Programming Your E-Z Touch Water SoftenerFIG. 30RECHARGE NOWTo manually initiate an immediate recharge:1. Press the RECHARGE button at the bottom of thesoftener status screen (See Figure 29).FIG. 292. The display will change to show the followingscreen.3. Press the RECHARGE NOW button. The rechargebegins and display will change to show a rechargestatus screen, like the one in Figure 31.FIG. 314. To return to the softener status screen, press theRETURN () button.SET RECHARGE TIMEWhen the softener’s electronic control is first poweredup, the default time for starting an automatic rechargeis 2:00 a.m. This is a good time in most householdsbecause water is not being used.To change the recharge time:1. Press the RECHARGE button on the softener sta-tus screen (See Figure 33).FIG. 35FIG. 364. Press the SET RECHARGE TIME button and thedisplay will change to show the Set recharge timescreen (See Figure 36).5. Press the UP () or DOWN () buttons to set therecharge time in 1 hour increments. Hold the but-ton down to rapidly advance. Be sure AM or PM iscorrect (unless softener is set for a 24-hour clock).When the desired recharge start time is shown,press the RETURN () button. The display will goback to the softener status screen.FIG. 332. The display will change to show the followingscreen.FIG. 343. Press the RIGHT () button. The display willchange to show the following screen.