16TopDistributorCleansing ScreenResinTankFIG. 32Routine MaintenanceWATER SOFTENER CLEANSERThe manufacturer recommends that you useWhirlpool ® WHE-WSC Water Softener Cleanser, asdirected, every four months.Lift the brinewell cover and pour in the entire 16 oz.bottle of Whirlpool ® Water Softener Cleanser. Pressthe RECHARGE button and hold for three seconds,until “RECHARGE” begins to flash in the display.This manual recharge will take about two hours. Iftaste, odor, or discoloration are detected in the water,manually recharge the softener again, then run a coldwater faucet immediately downstream of the softeneruntil water tastes, smells, and appears normal.Customizing Features / OptionsMAXIMUM DAYS BETWEENREGENERATIONSThe water softener automatically controls regenerationfrequency. This provides the greatest operatingefficiency and, under most conditions, this featureshould be left in this automatic mode. However, youmay modify this feature if you want to force aregeneration every set number of days. For example,if your water supply contains clear water iron, youmay want the softener to regenerate every few daysto keep the resin bed clean. The maximum daysbetween recharges may be set from 1 to 15 days, asfollows:NOTE: The softener will recharge on its own if needed,even if it is before the set number of days.1. Press and hold the PROGRAM button until thescreen in Figure 29 is displayed. Once in thisdisplay, press the PROGRAM button four timesand the display in Figure 30 is shown.FIG. 292. Press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set thenumber of days.3. Press the PROGRAM button two times to return tothe normal time of day screen.12 OR 24 HOUR CLOCKAll time displays are shown in standard clock time(AM and PM) at the 12 hour default setting. If 24hour clock displays are desired, follow steps below:1. Press and hold the PROGRAM button until thescreen in Figure 29 is displayed. Once in thisdisplay, press the PROGRAM button five times andone of the two displays in Figure 31 is shown.FIG. 302. Press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set thetime format.3. Press the PROGRAM button once again, to returnto the normal time of day screen.CLEANSING FEATUREThe cleansing feature keeps larger particles of sedimentfrom entering the home’s plumbing system. As waterpasses through the softener, the larger sedimentparticles are collected in the integrated basket andthen rinsed to the drain before each regeneration.The cleansing feature provides added protection forwater using appliances by reducing the chance oflarger particles entering the various products valvesand screens. The “Clean Feature” may be turned ONto provide an extra backwash that will help keep thecleansing screen clean. The default is OFF.IMPORTANT: The cleansing feature is not intended toreplace pretreatment filtration. Forproblem water applications, additionalsediment filtration is recommended.FIG. 31