USEENERGYWISELYA food waste disposer uses a negligible amount of energy. Total energy require-ments associated with operating a food waste disposer will be minimized by fol-lowing the recommendations in this Use and Care Guide.CARE ANDCLEANINGThe unique design of the grinding elements of the disposer create a whirling wateraction which keeps the grinding chamber always clean and free of odors.After some use a brown discoloration may appear on the face of the grinding disc.This is normal. It is a surface discoloration only and will not affect the life or per-formance of the disposer.Do not “store” food waste in the disposer between grindings. This can lead toodors, a clogged drain or a jam.Use COLD water only when operating the disposer. Cold water hardens greasysubstances, making it easy to grind them into tiny particles. Cold water also keepsgrease from sticking to the drain lines.Odors coming from your disposer are usually from food waste left inside the dis-poser as a result of insufficient water to flush the disposer. To clean, the followingprocedure should be used:Turn wall switch to OFF position. Place cover in the SEAL position and fill sink halfway with lukewarm water. Add one cup baking soda and mix to form a solution.Turn on the disposer; remove cover from sink. This will flood the inside of thedisposer to wash away particles loosened in the cleaning operation. The bakingsoda will freshen the inside of the disposer.NOTE: NEVER use chemical or solvent drain compounds in the disposer.Your WHIRLPOOL@ disposer is permanently lubricated and will never need addi-tional lubrication6