36 ProSpray 23gStarting operation Interruption of work4.6. Taking the unit into operation withcoating material1. Depending on the model swivel or immerse the suc-tion tube (Fig. 10, Item 1) or the suction hose and re-turn hose (2) into the coating material container.2. Turn the pressure regulator knob (3) in the yellow zo-ne to minimum pressure.3. Open the relief valve (4), valve position PRIME(k circulation).4. Switch the unit (5) ON.5. Wait until the coating material exudes from the returnhose.6. Close the relief valve, valve position SPRAY(p spray).7. Trigger the spray gun several times and spray into acollecting container until the coating material exits thespray gun without interruption.8. Increase the pressure by slowly turning up the pres-sure regulator knob.Check the spray pattern and increase the pressureuntil the atomization is correct.Always turn the pressure regulator knob to the lowestsetting with good atomization.9. The unit is ready to spray.5. Spraying techniqueMove the spray gun evenly during the spraying process.Otherwise the spray pattern will be uneven. Carry out thespray movement with the arm, not with the wrist. Obser-ve a parallel distance of approx. 30 cm between thespray gun and the object of spraying. The lateral edge ofthe spray jet should not be too distinct. The spray edgeshould be gradual in order to facilitate overlapping of thenext coat. Always move the spray gun parallel and at anangle of 90° to the surface to be coated in order to mini-mize the paint mist.6. Handling the high-pressurehoseAvoid sharp bending or kinking of the high-pressure ho-se. The smallest bending radius amounts to about 20 cm.Do not drive over the high-pressure hose. Protectagainst sharp objects and edges.6.1 High-pressure hoseThe unit is equipped with a high-pressure hose speciallysuited for piston pumps.7. Interruption of work1. Open the relief valve, valve position PRIME(k circulation).2. Switch the unit OFF.3. Turn the pressure regulator knob into the black zoneuntil it stops (no pressure generation).4. Pull the trigger of the spray gun in order to release thepressure from the high-pressure hose and spray gun.5. Secure the spray gun, refer to the operating manualof the spray gun.6. If a standard tip is to be cleaned, see Page 49, Sec-tion 13.2.If a non-standard tip is installed, proceed accordingto the relevant operating manual.7. Depending on the model, leave the suction tube orthe suction hose and return hose immersed in thecoating material or swivel or immerse it into a corre-sponding cleaning agent.If very sharp edges result or if there are stre-aks in the spray jet – increase the operatingpressure or dilute the coating material.iDanger of injury through leaking high-pressure hose. Replace any damagedhigh-pressure hose immediately.Never repair defective high-pressurehoses yourself!Only use WAGNER original-high-pressurehoses in order to ensure functionality, safetyand durability.iDangerAttentionIf fast-drying or two-component coa-ting material is used, ensure that theunit is rinsed with a suitable cleaningagent within the processing time.